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"Lite" version of Starfire's NPC Additions?


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Starfire's NPC Additions is an amazing mod, but it gives quite a perfomance hit due to its scripts. There's a "lite" version on Wolflore, but the number of spawned NPCs in big cities is almost the same. There was an attempt to create an FPS dependent version of this mod, with the ability to check FPS before spawning new NPCS, but it was never finished.

So, is there some version which spawns less NPCs, or checks FPS, or something? Is it possible to make one? Thank you.

Edited by Atanvarn
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> Is it possible to make one?
probably yes, you could just e.g. delete half spawn points in CS or add a disable on low fps check in the npcs scripts (harder)
> is there some version which spawns less NPCs, or checks FPS, or something?
not that I know, probably modders with the knowledge to do it are not interested in doing it, so if you are interested I think learning how to delete half spawn points in Contruction Set should be easy enough


[EDIT] Hey, Danae just released this, enjoy!

Edited by abot
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