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Wizard's Tower


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Hi there!


I've been trying to find a good home for my character, but all of the house mods are just too similar to each other, and none of them fit the theme I'd like to see.

What am looking for is some sort of wizard's tower, I'll post here some mods which have some of the ideas.


http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/20993 Mad mage's tower, this was my favorite home mod in oblivion. It was simple, but it had some nice details.

http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24933 If this would be a bit more like "tower" and less like "windmill", it would be perfect, though I'd want just a bit bigger :")

http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Frostcrag_Spire_(place) Exterior of this is pretty nice, but interior wasn't the best possible.

http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/16028 Just perfect, small interior, no tons of stuff, only bad thing is it's a cave :biggrin:

http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9064 Magical, dwemerish, too much light and shine. ( Can't stay there for long, head starts aching) And location is a bit too far from anything.

http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/20751 I'd like to see some more "tower" like, I think it's a bit too much small castle- like..


The idea is that it would look pretty old and abandoned, preferably on hard-to-reach mountain.

I am not looking for any sort of cheat house, or big-and-useless home.

I'd like to see something simple, but still good-looking, maybe with some special details.


Here's a list of things I'd like to see:

- Tower on a mountain

- It should be "small", no tons of room.

- Hall/entryway, some mage-ish clutter there.

- Stairway which starts at the entryway and circles up. (Maybe some clutter on walls, windows and such, think of a modern lighthouse)

- Room at the end of the stairs would be the real living area, and would include all the things to suit your needs. (Bed, hearth, enchanter, alchemy table, clutter)

- At the top of the tower could be door which you could use for "emergency" escape. (Maybe window? )

- At the entrance way/ hallway/ whatever, door/ hatch to cellar, cellar could possibly include:

- Treasury! (Couple of static items, some safe containers and mannequins)


Also, as a sidenote, If some people supports me on the idea and we can't find anything to suit our needs, I might start building it myself.

Though it might take time, I haven't made a single interior since Fo 3.


Ideas? Suggestions? Any already-made mods?

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Well I've been pretty busy building a castle mod lately, but I may take a crack at it in the future. The exterior for a Wizard's Tower would be pretty easy for the most part, it's just the interior that would be time consuming. In the mean time, I suggest giving this mod a try. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/17254


It's quaint, but has a fun quirky atmosphere.


EDIT: I almost forgot. You should also check out Orlong's Hearth. It has a Mage's Tower of sorts included!

Edited by Kraeten
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I'm with ronan on this one. I am looking for a castle-like mod that looks like a mage lives there. But I would like it to have all the essentials for any class, not just mage. I have some armor mods that require me to level my smithing. lol

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throw in a few Gargoyles beside the entrances for the purpose for guarding as well, the goth look will surely look nice, i mean it'd be cool for them to burst out and kill the pesky bandits which attack your home while you are out picking flowers in the garden :D

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