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Field Repair Kit


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Simple enough. Creates a schematic for a consumable that opens a "repair window" and adds 20% to the current durability of any weapon or armor.


Recipe: Scrap Metal, Wonderglue, medical brace.


Seems pretty easy to do... hardest part would be making the on the ground object for it.

Of course, this is only doable once we get a construction set. ... anytime now Bethesda.

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Actually, I've already seen a mod that adds a new workbench item (spiked knuckles) for use. It should be possible for a modder to make a "Field Repair Kit" using a wrench as the icon and world model, and simply editing the files of the other weapons and armors in the game to make it cross-repairable.

Of course, I have no idea how to do this. Great idea, though. Here's to hoping a modder decides to pick it up!

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