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So ENB's are the big thing for making ones game look good. I tried one once, long ago. It was horrible, sure it made the world a bit more vobrant and fun to look at, but some depth of field feture incorporated into it ruined if for me, and I had to reinstall the whole game because that particualr feture somehow stayed put after I removed said ENB, and I have sworn off ENB's ntill now. But now I feel ready to try again, and figured I'd ask here for the opinion of the forum on what's best, and simplest.


I'm not looking for anything super awsome. But something that makes my armors and skintextures look like the stuff in all those cool screenshots out there. but without any depth of field feture to make me naseous.


So what do you recomend?

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I recommended using the search function + trial and error.


I use Stakado's Cinemascope based on ENB 1.08

I'd much rather get some suggestions rather then potentially f***ing up stuff and having to reinstall, AGAIN. I'm not good with stuff like this, so I don't want to have to muck around more then absolutely nesessary. Thank you for your suggestion.




I had your problem man...

I tryed and used more them 20 ENBs during a month... was hard... but for me BY FAR the best one is: Project ENB by Bronze316


But that can be personal opnion, if youre going to use it, get the one with Climates of Tamriel, and DO the hint of the mod to add your contrast 5 clicks right. :)



Nice, deffenitely worth considering. Thanks

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Also there was no need to reinstall your game Unless you leave a file behind there isn't anything in MOST ENB mods that will have any lasting effect on your game.


Oh, and to disable DOF simply go into the enbseries.ini and change this line from true to false. ;)








Simply change this from true to false and DOF is disabled. :thumbsup:



And when you uninstall any ENB redownload it and compare the files in your game folder to the ones in your download. That way you know that you removed them all.

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If you want one that simply improves the lighting and effects without changing the look and feel of the game, try SkyRealism - ENB Evolved. It doesn't change the look of the game, just improves the lighting and effects, and does not overdo the effects. It's a good fix for people tired of trying "realistic" ENBs that look anything but realistic, and just want to stick with the vanilla look.


I've yet to find a truly realistic looking ENB, every single one that claims to be realistic looks like the author hasn't actually been outside in several years. :rolleyes:

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I've yet to find a truly realistic looking ENB, every single one that claims to be realistic looks like the author hasn't actually been outside in several years.

Thanks Veltoss - that has got to be the quote of the century!!! Still laughing as I'm typing now. Any yes, you're spot-on with your statement too. Thanks again for a good laugh :D

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If you want one that simply improves the lighting and effects without changing the look and feel of the game, try SkyRealism - ENB Evolved. It doesn't change the look of the game, just improves the lighting and effects, and does not overdo the effects. It's a good fix for people tired of trying "realistic" ENBs that look anything but realistic, and just want to stick with the vanilla look.


I've yet to find a truly realistic looking ENB, every single one that claims to be realistic looks like the author hasn't actually been outside in several years. :rolleyes:

Heh, true enough. But sense this is a fantasy game i'm not looking for realisem, I wan't something that looks nice and cool. I was actually looking at this last night, looked good, but I was a bit iffy on the depth of field feture. But if i can turn it off I'll likely go with this one.

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...But if i can turn it off I'll likely go with this one

Open the enbseries.ini file (use a normal text viewer to do this) and find the [ENGINE] section which is near the top of the file. To enable or disable DOF use the line...




...or replace "false" with "true" (and save the file) to change it.

Edited by LargeStyle
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