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Enhanced Economy problem.


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I know the mod is working, as whenever I buy something the merchant's gold decreases. However, that wasn't supposed to happen. During my OBMM installation for this mod, I specifically told it to not take away from the merchant's gold.


That's not even my real problem. The real problem is that the Fighter's Guild quest I'm on won't give me the money I told it to. It was supposed to give me 8x more money, but the game gave me the standard reward. This is my mod order from Wrye Bash:

Active Mod Files:


00  Oblivion.esm
01  CM Partners.esm
02  Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esm  [Version 1.33]
03  Better Cities Resources.esm  [Version 5.2.3]
04  Crowded Cities 15.esp
05  UOPS Additional Changes.esp
06  Knights.esp
07  Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp
08  Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp
09  Natural_Water_by_Max_Tael.esp
0A  Natural_Habitat_by_Max_Tael.esp
0B  Natural_Vegetation_by_Max_Tael.esp
0C  DLCShiveringIsles.esp
0D  Alluring Potion Bottles v3.esp
0E  Alluring Wine Bottles.esp
0F  Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp  [Version 3.4.2]
10  Oblivion XP.esp  [Version 4.1.5]
11  Valued Gems.esp
12  CM Partners.esp
13  CM Partners Extra NPCs.esp
14  CM Partners More NPCs NE.esp
15  CM Partners NPC NE.esp
16  CM Partners NPC.esp
17  Alternative Start by Robert Evrae.esp
18  AliveWaters - Koi Addon.esp
19  AliveWaters - Slaughterfish Addon.esp
1A  AliveWaters.esp
1B  ClocksOfCyrodiil.esp
1C  RenGuardOverhaul.esp
1D  Book Jackets Oblivion - BP.esp
----> MISSING MASTER: bookplacing.esm
1E  Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esp  [Version 1.33]
1F  Book Jackets Oblivion.esp
20  OOO-Water_Weeds.esp  [Version 1.33]
21  Harvest [Flora].esp  [Version 3.0.0]
22  Harvest [Flora] - Shivering Isles.esp  [Version 3.0.0]
23  SupremeMagicka.esp  [Version 0.90b]
24  SM_ShiveringIsles.esp  [Version 0.90]
25  SM_Scrolls.esp  [Version 0.90]
26  SM_EnchantStaff.esp  [Version 0.90]
27  SM_COBL.esp  [Version 0.90]
----> MISSING MASTER: Cobl Main.esm
28  SM_OOO.esp  [Version 0.90]
29  SM_VanillaSpells.esp  [Version 0.90]
2A  SneakMultiplier.esp
2B  Archery Rebalance.esp  [Version 1.0]
2C  Sounds of Cyrodiil.esp  [Version 1.1]
2D  Amajor7 Imperial Furniture.esp
2E  24HrArenaAliveLow.esp
2F  Bashed Patch, 0.esp
30  1em_Vilja.esp  [Version 4.04]
31  1em_Vilja_as_High_Imperial.esp
32  ClocksOfCyrodiil_BC_OBC_OC_OCLR_Vanilla.esp
33  Better Cities Full.esp  [Version 5.2.3]
34  Better Imperial City.esp  [Version 5.2.3]
35  Better Imperial City FPS Patch.esp  [Version 5.2.1]
36  Better Cities .esp  [Version 4.7.0]
37  StaggerProofBlocking.esp
38  Symphony of Violence.esp
39  PCSoundKensai.esp  [Version 2.7]
3A  LoadingScreens.esp
3B  LoadingScreens-OOO.esp
3C  Enhanced Economy.esp  [Version 5.4.3]


Here's the portion I changed from the Enhanced Economy INI file:


; ================== Settings to adjust the gold amount received =====================


; The following settings are multipliers in percent of gold you receive in the game.

; 100 means getting all of it. 50 means getting half of the gold you would have otherwise received. 0 means getting none of it.

; 200 means getting twice the normal amount.

; Set a value 0 - 100, or even higher.


; Gold received while in a dialogue - normally quest rewards. The deducted (if below 100) or added (if above 100) gold is removed/added immediately after receiving it the base amount.

; Default 100, i.e. you receive the same as in vanilla Oblivion.

set tnoEE.dialogAdjustment to 800


; Gold received while in active play, except gold coins - normally quest rewards. The deducted (if below 100) or added (if above 100) gold is removed/added immediately after receiving the base amount.

; Default 100, i.e. you receive all of it.

set tnoEE.miscAdjustment to 800


; Value of gold coins picked up during play.

set tnoEE.coinValue to 1


Here, I changed set tnoEE.dialogAdjustment from 100 -> 800. I also changed set tnoEE.miscAdjustment 100 -> 800 as well.

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I don't see either OBSE or MenuQue, which are listed requirements of EE.


Are you using BOSS? That load order looks messed up. And I'm surprised the game even loads with two 'missing master' errors. You are missing Cobl and 'bookplacing.esm'.





I am using OBSE and I thought MenuQue was for the decimal prices ($0.6)?


No, I use either OBMM or Wrye Bash. When I posted this load order I used Wrye Bash.


How do I fix those 'missing master' errors?

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How do I fix those 'missing master' errors?


You are using the wrong bookjackets ESP, it comes with two, use the other one. As for the one asking for Cobl, I'd suggest installing Cobl.


Remember, when BOSS or BASH gives you an error warning, PAY ATTENTION TO IT. Also BOSS your load order, its definitely messed up.

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How do I fix those 'missing master' errors?


You are using the wrong bookjackets ESP, it comes with two, use the other one. As for the one asking for Cobl, I'd suggest installing Cobl.


Remember, when BOSS or BASH gives you an error warning, PAY ATTENTION TO IT. Also BOSS your load order, its definitely messed up.


I never really understood BOSS. It scans Oblivion and gives me a log. So it basically wants ME to re-organize it, right? There's no 'do it yourself' button?

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How do I fix those 'missing master' errors?


You are using the wrong bookjackets ESP, it comes with two, use the other one. As for the one asking for Cobl, I'd suggest installing Cobl.


Remember, when BOSS or BASH gives you an error warning, PAY ATTENTION TO IT. Also BOSS your load order, its definitely messed up.


I never really understood BOSS. It scans Oblivion and gives me a log. So it basically wants ME to re-organize it, right? There's no 'do it yourself' button?


No, the log is what it has done. It reorganizes it automatically.

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How do I fix those 'missing master' errors?


You are using the wrong bookjackets ESP, it comes with two, use the other one. As for the one asking for Cobl, I'd suggest installing Cobl.


Remember, when BOSS or BASH gives you an error warning, PAY ATTENTION TO IT. Also BOSS your load order, its definitely messed up.


I never really understood BOSS. It scans Oblivion and gives me a log. So it basically wants ME to re-organize it, right? There's no 'do it yourself' button?


No, the log is what it has done. It reorganizes it automatically.


Oh, wow. Then I totally underestimated the power of BOSS. Hopefully it'll make some difference.

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BOSS will definitely make a MAJOR difference. It is the primary tool to resolve 'load order conflicts', and the first things anyone will ask about when you have them. And Wrye Bash will automatically apply the 'Bash Tags' that BOSS provides, so you don't need to do anything on that front unless you have a reason to override them. Both tools are now deliberately designed to work together. WB will let you manually re-order what BOSS has organized, but you should only do so if you have a good understanding as to why it is necessary. And in that case it is better to create your own sorting rules for those mods in the BOSS 'userlist.txt' file.


BOSS is developed from community submitted reports about what works or is broken. It's comments for each mod generally fall into three categories: other mods it needs to be used with; other mods to avoid using with it; and that the mod is 'dirty' and needs 'cleaning' to remove UDR and ITM errors (with a link to the 'how to' document). These are all known to cause problems, so your goal is to have no messages that you have not understood and dealt with.


BTW: There are some 'dirty' mods that are intentionally so and should NOT be 'cleaned', but BOSS also tells you that and does not provide the link to the cleaning instructions in those cases. Here is a thread that lists mods that should and should not be cleaned, but it has pretty much been superceded by BOSS and is now considered a supplement to the CS Wiki 'Cleaning Guide' page and explain BOSS recommendations



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