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I think I finished all major quests, now what?


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I've finished all these quests so far:


  • Companions
  • Thieves Guild
  • Dark Brotherhood
  • College of Winterhold quests
  • Civil War
  • I became a vampire Lord
  • Finished a lot of side quests


All that and I'm still level 44. What is there left to do?


PS: I'm playing it easy mode.


EDIT: Sorry for the spoilers. You can shoot me now :/

Edited by ufodisko
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Hello there. Just a tip, you might want to remove that piece of info about who you kill; tis a spoiler.


There are 15 Daedric quests to do. There are also 24 Stones of Barenziah to collect, 10 Dragon Claws (a lot of which you have probably gotten), 10 Dragon Priest masks, 5 captured critters, and 11 Treasure Maps (as well as the treasures they lead to). In addition, there are 5 player houses to buy (8 if you have Hearthfire), as well as upgrading them all fully.


In Dawnguard, there is also the Lost to the Ages side quest, and... 5? collectable paragons in the Forgotten Vale. Also, you can max out the perks tree for Vampire Lord.


Trust me, there is still a crapton of stuff to do. I also like to achieve my personal goals of having 1 million gold on my person at one time, and maxing out all my skills. :)


EDIT: Oh yeah, and there's finding all the words to all the shouts, and unlocking them all.

Edited by AlCiao
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Hello there. Just a tip, you might want to remove that piece of info about who you kill; tis a spoiler.


There are 15 Daedric quests to do. There are also 24 Stones of Barenziah to collect, 10 Dragon Claws (a lot of which you have probably gotten), 10 Dragon Priest masks, 5 captured critters, and 11 Treasure Maps (as well as the treasures they lead to). In addition, there are 5 player houses to buy (8 if you have Hearthfire), as well as upgrading them all fully.


In Dawnguard, there is also the Lost to the Ages side quest, and... 5? collectable paragons in the Forgotten Vale. Also, you can max out the perks tree for Vampire Lord.


Trust me, there is still a crapton of stuff to do. I also like to achieve my personal goals of having 1 million gold on my person at one time, and maxing out all my skills. :)


EDIT: Oh yeah, and there's finding all the words to all the shouts, and unlocking them all.


First of all, sorry about the spoilers. Just slipped my mind, rookie mistake.


Now regarding all these things you just mentioned, I haven't done any of that.


Where can I find the Daedric quests? I am preparing to get a Daedric armor so that would be nice.


11 Treasure Maps


I found one. I guess I need to go around looking for the other maps, eh?


Also, you can max out the perks tree for Vampire Lord.



I have a quest to talk to [forgot his name], to cure me from vampirism. Shall I go through with it and loose my title as vampire lord?



Yes, apparently there is still quiet a few things to do.


Do you support downloading quest mods as well?

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