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Simple request: Dynamic HUD


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Hello ppl.


I had this idea because the hud colours felt very monotonous, especially after a while, so i had to always keep changing them.

I found out that some colours actually look better at night and others during the day.

So, i dont know if this is possible to make without CS or not, but i think it would be nice to have a mod that automatically changes between 2 colours depending on the hour of the day (i.e. amber during the day, and blue during the night).

This would be fine with a pre-defined colour setting like the one i mentioned above. But would be much better if ppl could personalize the colours they want to show for each timeset.


Ok the idea is out, lets hope it has "legs to keep walking" now :P






p.s.: any specific questions about this, dont hesitate to contact me. i'll help with what i can.

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To do this we'd have to wait for FOSE to get out, then we'd have an external program that can run commands to the console on a timer synced to the game..


then it'd be easy for that yes.



If it were to be further activated by events, we'd also need fose to watch for things like ai and script events, and music playing, and stuff...

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