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Hello all, I recently got a laptop because my cat pissed on my computer a broke it. Long story short, I downloaded Skyrim again and have to use it on the 'low' settings in the options menu. I have a mage character and cannot see the 'flames' or 'frostbite' spell coming from my hand. I don't want to put the settings higher all round just to see it because it will slow the game down a lot, I JUST want to see the spells I expel. Any ideas on how to do that and keep everything else low?
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Hi nickchibi sorry to hear about your accident.


Could you tell me a little about your laptops SPECS (Processor,graphic card E.T.C) Need to know if it can be tweaked at all, Cause it sounds like a very low end laptop :smile:

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I seem to recall mention on another thread that the particle effects that are used for fire and other similar things are switched off at low settings - not sure offhand what you'd need to tweak to put them back on but looking at the settings in the game launcher it's likely to be an ini tweak...


You will very likely get framerate issues when casting though if you do switch this on :(

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i'm not sure it's because of the low settings because my settings is set to low but i can easily see the flames and the frostbite or other spells , it maybe because of something else like your brightness is too low or too high ( i say this because i had the same issue but it was solved when i adjust the brightness to be balanced , it sometimes occurs when laptop brightness and game brightness are high at the same time .

check it if nothing happened then come and write it here so i can find you an other solution :thumbsup: good luck

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