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Refusing to level up!


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If you're ever bored with Skyrim (gasp!) try this trick - start a new game and REFUSE TO LEVEL UP.


Getting stuck at first level really changes the flavor of the game. For example, you can never take any perks, because you've got to level up to do so - this means you cannot craft any armor better than leather or iron. You never get more than 100 health, magica, or stamina, so combat is much more unpredictable. (Try Forelhost at first level. Go ahead, try it.)


You can only train five times per level, which means five times total, so make it count! In fact, you can't even LOOK at your skills, because you've got to level up first!


Of course, it effects what kind of loot you find, too. The best complete set of armor I've yet found (and I've been playing long enough that I would level up to 26, were I to do so) is steel, though I did find an ebony shield and steel plate gauntlets. The best weapons I've found have been Orcish. I am currently using Forsworn Armor (Superior), as it is the best light armor I've found (and looks really sexy on my character!).


Refusing to level up totally changes the dynamics of the game. It's worth a try if you're looking for something different.

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Staying at lvl 1 lol anyone that played Oblivion should know what thats like. I would have stayed at lvl 1 but Skayrim's lvling is way better then Oblivions so there was no need. One question tho how dose one become bored with Skyrim even with all it's mods :psyduck: ?
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