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point lookout slow downs and stutter!


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hello peoples of internets I seem to be experiencing slow down micro stutter's in fallout 3 point lookout but nowhere else in the game.


I am using the stutter remover and the larger address-ware I tried Alt-Tab boarder-less windowed mode fix but it did not improve point look.


if there is a fix for point lookout iam not aware of or do i just have to live with.


iam also running the game with

Gtx 570

AMD x6 1100t before bulldozer

8GB of ram

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godmodzactive999 - Hello!


"hello peoples of internets I seem to be experiencing slow down micro stutter's in fallout 3 point lookout but nowhere else in the game."


Additionally to BlackRampage's suggestion to check for Point Lookout affecting mods, it may just be Point Lookout's particular characteristics causing your trouble.


Point Lookout is probably the part of Fallout 3 that pushes your computer the most, it's mainly the abundance of trees that does it.


A particularly high anti-aliasing setting, that may be fine in the DC wastes, will have a much higher performance hit in Point Lookout because of the trees.


If you know you're going to be spending time there, you may want to turn down the AA (if you're using it).


"I am using the stutter remover"


I use that, excellent program.


I found I needed to adjust the FPS cap setting in that for smooth play in Point Lookout. What worked fine for the DC wastes was too high in Point Lookout.


I actually left it at the lower FPS setting because the return to the DC wastes was smoother with the lower FPS setting & with no loss to gameplay.


The setting to tweak in Stutter Remover is in it's .ini in:


Fallout 3\Data\fose\plugins


The file is:




Open that & try a lower setting for:


MaximumFPS =


I use MaximumFPS = 45


Make sure you've got this setting set to 1 & not 0 or else the FPS cap will be ignored:


bManageFPS = 1


If that does not help you can always set the Stutter Remover .ini back to what it was before.


Hope this helps!



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Thanks it worked although i had to drop the fps to 30 for P.L. to stop the sudden frame drops but at-least i can walk down the streets in P.L. with my eyes bleed from stutters.


and after closer inspection of the stutter remover . ini i did not know it had a slow-mo feature for sudden frame drop and that was what was cause my slow down issue


thanks for the help Prensa

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