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Making Caps


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I have a method for making caps that works well... for me.

Every time I kill human I take everything except their clothes. I leave that. And they were all bad people. ;)

Everytime I kill a creature or robot I take everything from it that I can.


I do this until I am about 90% max weight I can hold then I proceed to the closest spot where I know traders go and sell everything except for my 5 primary weapons, my armor, and for chems & foodstuffs I sell all in excess of the 10th item. So I carry a max of 10 stimpacks, 10 mentats, etc.


I rack up caps relatively quickly, and this is with a character whose Barter Skill is only 25.


Works for me :thumbsup:

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Pretty much what I do when first starting out in the Wastes. Except for Stimpacks - I never EVER sell them, just get more and more whenever possible.


One thing that works extremely well for me is to have a good Repair skill. That way, I can do repair / merges of weapons and armour. Instead of 2-3 crappy-quality Hunting Rifles (or sets of Blastmaster Armour), I can then have one GOOD-quality whatever. In monetary terms, you lose a bit off the total resale value by doing this, but it makes for being able to carry a heckuva lot more loot withut throwing anything away.

Edited by 7thsealord
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