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[LE] Is it possible to track if the player just used a specific soul gem?


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Now that you are removing the filled gem when you fill, this script is going to be more complicated and take some time to get right.


What if someone, when in the middle of trapping souls, went into the menu and filled a weapon?


It may be a good idea to set a state on your script when you remove the gem during filling instead of your current idea.

;This goes on your soul trapping script.

;You will need to create the PlayerAlias property and fill it.

_00E_YC_PlayerAlias_GemCheckSCR s = PlayerAlias as _00E_YC_PlayerAlias_GemCheckSCR


;Remove the gem


;This state will go on your _00E_YC_PlayerAlias_GemCheckSCR script

State Filling
Event OnItemRemoved(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akDestContainer)

This could result in more than one gem being left in the players inventory. This = 1 ( GC - (GC - 1) )

P.RemoveItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender, GC - (GC - 1), true)
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Hey, thanks for the heads up.

I gonna try to do that too. I just realized that the script needs a lot longer to fire up when the frames are lower.


I really dislike how Bethesda likes to ties everything to framerate. They already had issues regarding the game physics by doings so. oO


But at the end of the day, it's the player's fault if he tries to do that. Most harsh way would be to lock the game control that allows filling weapons until the process is done. XD




This could result in more than one gem being left in the players inventory. This = 1 ( GC - (GC - 1) )
P.RemoveItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender, GC - (GC - 1), true)

I am unsure how this can result in more than one gem. oO

My code:

P.RemoveItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender, GC - (GC - 1), true)

Lets say GC is 5.



5 - (5 - 1) = 1


Lets say GC is 3.


3 - (3 - 1) = 1



Let's say GC is 1... Oh wait, it doesn't even fire when it is 1. ^^


Ok, then let's say it is 2.


2 - (2 - 1) = 1.







In addition:

Ah... I overthought it.

Like I always do. ^^


I was thinking in the way of having just ONE as number, but haven't thought about to remove as much gems to just have one left.


You are perfectly right. :)

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That is why it is important to streamline your scripts.


Have a look at this script. You are duplicating functions. ( P.GetItemCount(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender) ).

Function AddGem(ObjectReference P)    ;=> I somewhat liked to do all stuff here as of having it easier to track and fix issues.
                                    ;=> So I got rid of the FindGem() function.
        if SiraSoulGemFunctions.ycInt_SiraSoulCounter > 49    ;=> Quest Script Variable :)
            P.Additem(_00E_WishWell_FrostcliffTavern_BrokenSoulgem, 1, True)
            SiraSoulGemFunctions.ycInt_SiraSoulCounter = -1
        elseif SiraSoulGemFunctions.ycInt_SiraSoulCounter > -1
            if UI.IsMenuOpen("InventoryMenu")        ;=> A Soul Gem can only be used in inventory menu
                int[] SoulGemC = new int[6]            ;=> Used to take care of eventualities.
                SoulGemC[0] = P.GetItemCount(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender)    ;=> Like being in a filling process and
                SoulGemC[1] = P.GetItemCount(SoulGemArray[0])                ;=> quickly opening the menu.
                SoulGemC[2] = P.GetItemCount(SoulGemArray[1])    ;=> That would have resulted in multiple gems being
                SoulGemC[3] = P.GetItemCount(SoulGemArray[2])    ;=> added. Now we only have one.
                SoulGemC[4] = P.GetItemCount(SoulGemArray[3])
                SoulGemC[5] = P.GetItemCount(SoulGemArray[4])
                if (SoulGemC[0] + SoulGemC[1] + SoulGemC[2] + SoulGemC[3] + SoulGemC[4] + SoulGemC[5]) == 0
                        P.AddItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender, 1, True)
        int GC = P.GetItemCount(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender)
        If GC > 1        ;=> Just to be sure we only have one empty gem in inventory. ^^
            P.RemoveItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender, GC - (GC - 1), true)
        EndIf   ;=> Thanks for making me aware that Papyrus likes firing on weird eventualities. XD


You do not need to add all of the gems and the way it is done the code has to check every single gem before it finises. It should be set up so it returns a gem as soon as it finds one.

                if (SoulGemC[0] + SoulGemC[1] + SoulGemC[2] + SoulGemC[3] + SoulGemC[4] + SoulGemC[5]) == 0
                        P.AddItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender, 1, True)

Like this for example:

            if UI.IsMenuOpen("InventoryMenu")        ;=> A Soul Gem can only be used in inventory menu
                if IsFilling()
                        P.AddItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender, 1, True)

Bool Function IsFilling
int i

While i < 5

If P.GetItemCount(SoulGemArray[i])
Return True

i = i + 1


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I just checked your other suggestions.

Even with lower frames this should work properly. :D

Even the 50 gems get reduced to one as soon as one of them is used for recharging a weapon. Thanks for pointing that out. That was a 360 degree formula. XD I could also just wrote Remove 1 gem. XD





You do not need to add all of the gems and the way it is done the code has to check every single gem before it finises. It should be set up so it returns a gem as soon as it finds one.


Ah sorry, I just got your response now.


Well, as you see in my video everything works fine with my current script. :smile:


Just changed the formula you pointed out.

Aside of that, I don't get double empty gems back anymore like I previously did when filling gems, so I rather stick to my initial solution. :wink:

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What I and anyone else would take personal is being called a jackass and continuous low key insults at every re-re-re-post.

I don't know if you asked Surfs, I don't know how Surfs got it. Who knows if Surfs had the right to give it to you. Clearly that is a raw

de-compiled script.


Are you suggesting that I posted a de-compiled script here? I would not use someone else's work without crediting them. The script I wrote for JustChill was written from scratch.


I hope you were talking about someone else. In that case I certainly agree doing that without crediting them and getting their permission is not acceptable.


Clearly the script was pirated. This is why I never helped. Sorry if you can't understand I hate pirating other people work.

Dude could have just left it alone .. but had to go all toxic. As if he actually had any ground to stand on. I hope he did report

me. Any fool can see he is and had been pirating for a while now. Say what you will. You honestly think you're fooling anyone.

Edited by NexusComa
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What I and anyone else would take personal is being called a jackass and continuous low key insults at every re-re-re-post.

I don't know if you asked Surfs, I don't know how Surfs got it. Who knows if Surfs had the right to give it to you. Clearly that is a raw

de-compiled script.


Are you suggesting that I posted a de-compiled script here? I would not use someone else's work without crediting them. The script I wrote for JustChill was written from scratch.


I hope you were talking about someone else. In that case I certainly agree doing that without crediting them and getting their permission is not acceptable.


Clearly the script was pirated. This is why I never helped. Sorry if you can't understand I hate pirating other people work.

Dude could have just left it alone .. but had to go all toxic. As if he actually had any ground to stand on. I hope he did report

me. Any fool can see he is and had been pirating for a while now. Say what you will. You honestly think you're fooling anyone.


This response is very confusing.

SurfsideNaturals is asking you if you think, that her script was pirated.


You agree but then say that I pirated scripts, without even linking to some clear evidence?

Probably because there is none.


Especially what the hell is a 'pirated script'?


A function wrote by someone else? Well, what if that function is the only way to do it?

Like for equipping the Pipboy in New Vegas in GameMode?

Leads to a CTD.

I credited the original designer of that work around, as do you know which my initial solution was? Opening the console window shortly, for forcing a menu mode XDDD

That's a dirty workaround, ya know?

And I was happy when I saw that there was another workaround, that wasn't that clean either, but at least avoided the CTD without being forced to go into console menu.



Have you actually checked the code of the Dynamic Pipboy Light mod of mine and searched for similar mods with that code?



Then what are you talking about?



About the magicSoulTrapFXScript?

I already told in the first post that this script comes from Enderal.

Have you actually checked what Enderal is? Do you know that Skyrim mods with scripts don't work there as their properties might point to something that simply doesn't exist in Enderal's "Skyrim.esm"?

Like the magic effects of the Detect Dead spell?

Or does this magicSoulTrapFXScript look like the one that is available in Enderal from scratch?



;Thanks to ReDragon2013 for good tips and enhancements.
;+= Just Chill

ScriptName magicSoulTrapFXScript extends ActiveMagicEffect
;=> The original script has to be overwritten as it already features an add- / removeItem function.
{Scripted effect for the Soul Trap Visual FX}

import debug




ImageSpaceModifier property TrapImod auto
{IsMod applied when we trap a soul}
sound property TrapSoundFX auto ; create a sound property we'll point to in the editor'
{Sound played when we trap a soul}
VisualEffect property TargetVFX auto
{Visual Effect on Target aiming at Caster}
VisualEffect property CasterVFX auto
{Visual Effect on Caster aming at Target}
EffectShader property CasterFXS auto
{Effect Shader on Caster during Soul trap}
EffectShader property TargetFXS auto
{Effect Shader on Target during Soul trap}
VisualEffect property WastedVFX auto
{Visual Effect on Target aiming up in the air}
VisualEffect property HeavenVFX auto
{Visual Effect on the air aming at Target}

bool property bIsEnchantmentEffect = false auto
{Set this to true if this soul trap is on a weapon enchantment or a spell that can do damage to deal with a fringe case}

_00E_YerosCave_VariableSCR Property SiraGemFunctions hidden
    _00E_YerosCave_VariableSCR function get()
        return Quest.GetQuest("_00E_YerosCave_PlayerSoulGemCheckQST") as _00E_YerosCave_VariableSCR




; objectreference playerref
bool DeadAlready = FALSE
bool bUseWait = True
bool soulWasted = false
bool soulTrapped = false


;  EVENTS      /


;Declaring soul gem levels:

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
    victim = akTarget
    caster = akCaster
        victimIsNPC = true
    if bIsEnchantmentEffect == False
        DeadAlready = Victim.IsDead()

Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
    if victim
        ; initiate lock to prevent multiple soul traps from processing at the same time:
        if(SoulTrapController != None)

        if(!deadAlready && victim.IsDead() && victim.GetActorValue("PerceptionCondition") != 0)
            soulTrapped = false
            String soulType = "None"

            ;if victim is not a humanoid, remove Black Soul Gems from inventory before trap begins:
                ;numBlack = caster.GetItemCount(SoulGemBlack)
                ;caster.RemoveItem(SoulGemBlack, numBlack, true)
;=> I am not sure why the original script had to remove the black soul gems. I commented it out.

                int targetLevel = victim.GetLevel()

                if(targetLevel < Game.GetGameSettingInt("iLesserSoulActorLevel")) ;soul is petty
            DynamicGemFilling(1)    ;=> This is the most disgusting function you have ever seen. Way too heavy, but hey... it just works. :P
                elseif(targetLevel < Game.GetGameSettingInt("iCommonSoulActorLevel"));soul is lesser
                elseif(targetLevel < Game.GetGameSettingInt("iGreaterSoulActorLevel")) ;soul is common
                elseif(targetLevel < Game.GetGameSettingInt("iGrandSoulActorLevel")) ;soul is greater
            ; return Black Soul Gems:
            ;caster.AddItem(SoulGemBlack, numBlack, true)
                numBlack = caster.GetItemCount(SoulGemBlack)
                if(numBlack > 0)
                    caster.RemoveItem(SoulGemBlack, 1, true)
                    caster.AddItem(SoulGemBlackFilled, 1, true)
                    soulTrapped = true
                elseif(caster.GetItemCount(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender) > 0)
                    caster.RemoveItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender, 1, true)
                    caster.AddItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillGrand, 1, true)
                    soulTrapped = true
                    SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulCounter += 1        ;=> Regardless how big the current filling is, catching a human soul will always result in an increase of the TOTAL counter.
                elseif(caster.GetItemCount(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillPetty) > 0)  ;=> Even if a large part of the human soul is wasted.
                    caster.RemoveItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillPetty, 1, true)
                    caster.AddItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillGrand, 1, true)
                    soulTrapped = true
            soulWasted = true
                    SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulCounter += 1
                elseif(caster.GetItemCount(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillLess) > 0)
                    caster.RemoveItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillLess, 1, true)
                    caster.AddItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillGrand, 1, true)
                    soulTrapped = true
            soulWasted = true
                    SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulCounter += 1
                elseif(caster.GetItemCount(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillCom) > 0)
                    caster.RemoveItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillCom, 1, true)
                    caster.AddItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillGrand, 1, true)
                    soulTrapped = true
            soulWasted = true
                    SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulCounter += 1
                elseif(caster.GetItemCount(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillGreat) > 0)
                    caster.RemoveItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillGreat, 1, true)
                    caster.AddItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillGrand, 1, true)
                    soulTrapped = true
            soulWasted = true
                    SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulCounter += 1

            ; begin vanilla Soul Trap FX finale:
            if(soulTrapped == true)
                victim.SetActorValue("PerceptionCondition", 0)
                PlayEffects(caster, victim)
                if soulType=="Petty"
                    Debug.Notification(_00E_SoulPetty.GetName()+" "+_00E_SuccessfulTrapping.GetName())
                    SoulsCaught.Mod(1)        ;=> I do not change anything about the global counter of Enderal.
                elseif soulType=="Lesser"
                    Debug.Notification(_00E_SoulLesser.GetName()+" "+_00E_SuccessfulTrapping.GetName())
                elseif soulType=="Common"
                    Debug.Notification(_00E_SoulCommon.GetName()+" "+_00E_SuccessfulTrapping.GetName())
                elseif soulType =="Greater"
                    Debug.Notification(_00E_SoulGreater.GetName()+" "+_00E_SuccessfulTrapping.GetName())
                elseif soulType =="Grand"
                    Debug.Notification(_00E_SoulGrand.GetName()+" "+_00E_SuccessfulTrapping.GetName())
        ; release lock




Function DynamicGemFilling(int iSoulLevel)
    While iSoulLevel > 0
               numPetty = caster.GetItemCount(SoulGemPetty)
               numLesser = caster.GetItemCount(SoulGemLesser)
          numLesserPetty = caster.GetItemCount(_00E_SoulGemLesserFilledPetty)
               numCommon = caster.GetItemCount(SoulGemCommon)
          numCommonPetty = caster.GetItemCount(_00E_SoulGemCommonFilledPetty)
          numCommonLesser = caster.GetItemCount(_00E_SoulGemCommonFilledLesser)
                numGreater = caster.GetItemCount(SoulGemGreater)
          numGreaterPetty = caster.GetItemCount(_00E_SoulGemGreaterFilledPetty)
          numGreaterLesser = caster.GetItemCount(_00E_SoulGemGreaterFilledLesser)
          numGreaterCommon = caster.GetItemCount(_00E_SoulGemGreaterFilledCommon)
               numGrand = caster.GetItemCount(SoulGemGrand)
          numGrandPetty = caster.GetItemCount(_00E_SoulGemGrandFilledPetty)
          numGrandLesser = caster.GetItemCount(_00E_SoulGemGrandFilledLesser)
          numGrandCommon = caster.GetItemCount(_00E_SoulGemGrandFilledCommon)
          numGrandGreater = caster.GetItemCount(_00E_SoulGemGrandFilledGreater)
          numBender = caster.GetItemCount(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender)
          numBenderPetty = caster.GetItemCount(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillPetty)
          numBenderLesser = caster.GetItemCount(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillLess)
          numBenderCommon = caster.GetItemCount(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillCom)
          numBenderGreater = caster.GetItemCount(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillGreat)
;=> It's vital to fill these int variables again as any of these could change through the process below.
;=> It's cleaner to do that once in the header of the While loop, as using all these functions below instead of the variables is way more heavy. Variables contain simple values, while even the "GetItemCount" function is way more complex than that.

        if (numPetty + numLesser + numLesserPetty + numCommon + numCommonPetty + numCommonLesser + numGreater + numGreaterPetty + numGreaterLesser + numGreaterCommon + numGrand + numGrandPetty + numGrandLesser + numGrandCommon + numGrandGreater + numBender + numBenderPetty + numBenderLesser + numBenderCommon + numBenderGreater) == 0
            iSoulLevel = -20
;=> This is our safety line, to avoid infinite loops. As it might be possible that we don't have soul gems left, but "iSoulLevel" still has a value higher than 0.

        if numPetty > 0                                        ;=> This is where the fun starts. It's like endless queries. oO
            caster.RemoveItem(SoulGemPetty, 1, true)
            caster.AddItem(SoulGemPettyFilled, 1, true)
            soulTrapped = true
            iSoulLevel -= 1        ;=> So, SoulLevel will be reduced as we filled a part of a soul (or a full petty soul) into an empty petty gem.
        elseif numLesser > 0
            if iSoulLevel > 1
                caster.RemoveItem(SoulGemLesser, 1, true)
                caster.AddItem(SoulGemLesserFilled, 1, true)
                soulTrapped = true
                iSoulLevel -= 2
                caster.RemoveItem(SoulGemLesser, 1, true)
                caster.AddItem(_00E_SoulGemLesserFilledPetty, 1, true)
                soulTrapped = true
                iSoulLevel -= 1
        elseif numLesserPetty > 0
            caster.RemoveItem(_00E_SoulGemLesserFilledPetty, 1, true)
            caster.AddItem(SoulGemLesserFilled, 1, true)
            soulTrapped = true
            iSoulLevel -= 1
        elseif numCommon > 0
            if iSoulLevel > 2
                caster.RemoveItem(SoulGemCommon, 1, true)
                caster.AddItem(SoulGemCommonFilled, 1, true)
                soulTrapped = true
                iSoulLevel -= 3
            elseif iSoulLevel > 1
                caster.RemoveItem(SoulGemCommon, 1, true)
                caster.AddItem(_00E_SoulGemCommonFilledLesser, 1, true)
                soulTrapped = true
                iSoulLevel -= 2
                caster.RemoveItem(SoulGemCommon, 1, true)
                caster.AddItem(_00E_SoulGemCommonFilledPetty, 1, true)
                soulTrapped = true
                iSoulLevel -= 1
        elseif numCommonPetty > 0
            if iSoulLevel > 1
                caster.RemoveItem(_00E_SoulGemCommonFilledPetty, 1, true)
                caster.AddItem(SoulGemCommonFilled, 1, true)
                soulTrapped = true
                iSoulLevel -= 2
                caster.RemoveItem(_00E_SoulGemCommonFilledPetty, 1, true)
                caster.AddItem(_00E_SoulGemCommonFilledLesser, 1, true)
                soulTrapped = true
                iSoulLevel -= 1
        elseif numCommonLesser > 0
            caster.RemoveItem(_00E_SoulGemCommonFilledLesser, 1, true)
            caster.AddItem(SoulGemCommonFilled, 1, true)
            soulTrapped = true
            iSoulLevel -= 1
        elseif numGreater > 0
            if iSoulLevel > 3
                caster.RemoveItem(SoulGemGreater, 1, true)
                caster.AddItem(SoulGemGreaterFilled, 1, true)
                soulTrapped = true
                iSoulLevel -= 4
            elseif iSoulLevel > 2
                caster.RemoveItem(SoulGemGreater, 1, true)
                caster.AddItem(_00E_SoulGemGreaterFilledCommon, 1, true)
                soulTrapped = true
                iSoulLevel -= 3
            elseif iSoulLevel > 1
                caster.RemoveItem(SoulGemGreater, 1, true)
                caster.AddItem(_00E_SoulGemGreaterFilledLesser, 1, true)
                soulTrapped = true
                iSoulLevel -= 2
                caster.RemoveItem(SoulGemGreater, 1, true)
                caster.AddItem(_00E_SoulGemGreaterFilledPetty, 1, true)
                soulTrapped = true
                iSoulLevel -= 1
        elseif numGreaterPetty > 0
            if iSoulLevel > 2
                caster.RemoveItem(_00E_SoulGemGreaterFilledPetty, 1, true)
                caster.AddItem(SoulGemGreaterFilled, 1, true)
                soulTrapped = true
                iSoulLevel -= 3
            elseif iSoulLevel > 1
                caster.RemoveItem(_00E_SoulGemGreaterFilledPetty, 1, true)
                caster.AddItem(_00E_SoulGemGreaterFilledCommon, 1, true)
                soulTrapped = true
                iSoulLevel -= 2
                caster.RemoveItem(_00E_SoulGemGreaterFilledPetty, 1, true)
                caster.AddItem(_00E_SoulGemGreaterFilledLesser, 1, true)
                soulTrapped = true
                iSoulLevel -= 1
        elseif numGreaterLesser > 0
            if iSoulLevel > 1
                caster.RemoveItem(_00E_SoulGemGreaterFilledLesser, 1, true)
                caster.AddItem(SoulGemGreaterFilled, 1, true)
                soulTrapped = true
                iSoulLevel -= 2
                caster.RemoveItem(_00E_SoulGemGreaterFilledLesser, 1, true)
                caster.AddItem(_00E_SoulGemGreaterFilledCommon, 1, true)
                soulTrapped = true
                iSoulLevel -= 1
        elseif numGreaterCommon > 0
            caster.RemoveItem(_00E_SoulGemGreaterFilledCommon, 1, true)
            caster.AddItem(SoulGemGreaterFilled, 1, true)
            soulTrapped = true
            iSoulLevel -= 1
        elseif numGrand > 0                                                    ;=> This is the worst bit. You can fill ANY soul into a grand gem.
            if iSoulLevel > 4                                                    ;=> And surely if we have a grand gem that isn't fully filled, we want to continue filling it until it is full.
                caster.RemoveItem(SoulGemGrand, 1, true)
                caster.AddItem(SoulGemGrandFilled, 1, true)
                soulTrapped = true
                iSoulLevel -= 5
            elseif iSoulLevel > 3
                caster.RemoveItem(SoulGemGrand, 1, true)
                caster.AddItem(_00E_SoulGemGrandFilledGreater, 1, true)
                soulTrapped = true
                iSoulLevel -= 4
            elseif iSoulLevel > 2
                caster.RemoveItem(SoulGemGrand, 1, true)
                caster.AddItem(_00E_SoulGemGrandFilledCommon, 1, true)
                soulTrapped = true
                iSoulLevel -= 3
            elseif iSoulLevel > 1
                caster.RemoveItem(SoulGemGrand, 1, true)
                caster.AddItem(_00E_SoulGemGrandFilledLesser, 1, true)
                soulTrapped = true
                iSoulLevel -= 2
                caster.RemoveItem(SoulGemGrand, 1, true)
                caster.AddItem(_00E_SoulGemGrandFilledPetty, 1, true)
                soulTrapped = true
                iSoulLevel -= 1
        elseif numGrandPetty > 0
            if iSoulLevel > 3
                caster.RemoveItem(_00E_SoulGemGrandFilledPetty, 1, true)
                caster.AddItem(SoulGemGrandFilled, 1, true)
                soulTrapped = true
                iSoulLevel -= 4
            elseif iSoulLevel > 2
                caster.RemoveItem(_00E_SoulGemGrandFilledPetty, 1, true)
                caster.AddItem(_00E_SoulGemGrandFilledGreater, 1, true)
                soulTrapped = true
                iSoulLevel -= 3
            elseif iSoulLevel > 1
                caster.RemoveItem(_00E_SoulGemGrandFilledPetty, 1, true)
                caster.AddItem(_00E_SoulGemGrandFilledCommon, 1, true)
                soulTrapped = true
                iSoulLevel -= 2
                caster.RemoveItem(_00E_SoulGemGrandFilledPetty, 1, true)
                caster.AddItem(_00E_SoulGemGrandFilledLesser, 1, true)
                soulTrapped = true
                iSoulLevel -= 1
        elseif numGrandLesser > 0
            if iSoulLevel > 2
                caster.RemoveItem(_00E_SoulGemGrandFilledLesser, 1, true)
                caster.AddItem(SoulGemGrandFilled, 1, true)
                soulTrapped = true
                iSoulLevel -= 3
            elseif iSoulLevel > 1
                caster.RemoveItem(_00E_SoulGemGrandFilledLesser, 1, true)
                caster.AddItem(_00E_SoulGemGrandFilledGreater, 1, true)
                soulTrapped = true
                iSoulLevel -= 2
                caster.RemoveItem(_00E_SoulGemGrandFilledLesser, 1, true)
                caster.AddItem(_00E_SoulGemGrandFilledCommon, 1, true)
                soulTrapped = true
                iSoulLevel -= 1
        elseif numGrandCommon > 0
            if iSoulLevel > 1
                caster.RemoveItem(_00E_SoulGemGrandFilledCommon, 1, true)
                caster.AddItem(SoulGemGrandFilled, 1, true)
                soulTrapped = true
                iSoulLevel -= 2
                caster.RemoveItem(_00E_SoulGemGrandFilledCommon, 1, true)
                caster.AddItem(_00E_SoulGemGrandFilledGreater, 1, true)
                soulTrapped = true
                iSoulLevel -= 1
        elseif numGrandGreater > 0
            caster.RemoveItem(_00E_SoulGemGrandFilledGreater, 1, true)
            caster.AddItem(SoulGemGrandFilled, 1, true)
            soulTrapped = true
            iSoulLevel -= 1
        elseif numBender > 0
            if iSoulLevel > 4
                caster.RemoveItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender, 1, true)
                caster.AddItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillGrand, 1, true)
                soulTrapped = true
                iSoulLevel -= 5
                SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel += 5        ;=> This counter tells when it is time to raise the TOTAL counter.
                if SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel > 4        ;=> Human souls always count as grand souls and even increase the TOTAL counter if they get filled into an already filled soul bender.
                    SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulCounter += 1        ;=> But with creature souls you have a bit of a play ground...
                    SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel = SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel - 5        ;=> Basically you can 50*5 times fill the gem with a petty soul. Which means it will break after 250 petty souls got into it.
                endif                                                                                    ;=> I am not sure if the coding is that accurate, but the main part seems to work (I tested it with a limit of 5 total fillings).
            elseif iSoulLevel > 3
                caster.RemoveItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender, 1, true)
                caster.AddItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillGreat, 1, true)
                soulTrapped = true
                iSoulLevel -= 4
                SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel += 4
                if SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel > 4
                    SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulCounter += 1
                    SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel = SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel - 5
            elseif iSoulLevel > 2
                caster.RemoveItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender, 1, true)
                caster.AddItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillCom, 1, true)
                soulTrapped = true
                iSoulLevel -= 3
                SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel += 3
                if SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel > 4
                    SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulCounter += 1
                    SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel = SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel - 5
            elseif iSoulLevel > 1
                caster.RemoveItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender, 1, true)
                caster.AddItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillLess, 1, true)
                soulTrapped = true
                iSoulLevel -= 2
                SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel += 2
                if SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel > 4
                    SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulCounter += 1
                    SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel = SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel - 5
                caster.RemoveItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender, 1, true)
                caster.AddItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillPetty, 1, true)
                soulTrapped = true
                iSoulLevel -= 1
                SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel += 1
                if SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel > 4
                    SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulCounter += 1
                    SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel = SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel - 5
        elseif numBenderPetty > 0
            if iSoulLevel > 3
                caster.RemoveItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillPetty, 1, true)
                caster.AddItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillGrand, 1, true)
                soulTrapped = true
                iSoulLevel -= 4
                SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel += 4
                if SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel > 4
                    SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulCounter += 1
                    SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel = SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel - 5
            elseif iSoulLevel > 2
                caster.RemoveItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillPetty, 1, true)
                caster.AddItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillGreat, 1, true)
                soulTrapped = true
                iSoulLevel -= 3
                SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel += 3
                if SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel > 4
                    SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulCounter += 1
                    SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel = SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel - 5
            elseif iSoulLevel > 1
                caster.RemoveItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillPetty, 1, true)
                caster.AddItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillCom, 1, true)
                soulTrapped = true
                iSoulLevel -= 2
                SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel += 2
                if SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel > 4
                    SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulCounter += 1
                    SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel = SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel - 5
                caster.RemoveItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillPetty, 1, true)
                caster.AddItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillLess, 1, true)
                soulTrapped = true
                iSoulLevel -= 1
                SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel += 1
                if SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel > 4
                    SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulCounter += 1
                    SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel = SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel - 5
        elseif numBenderLesser > 0
            if iSoulLevel > 2
                caster.RemoveItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillLess, 1, true)
                caster.AddItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillGrand, 1, true)
                soulTrapped = true
                iSoulLevel -= 3
                SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel += 3
                if SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel > 4
                    SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulCounter += 1
                    SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel = SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel - 5
            elseif iSoulLevel > 1
                caster.RemoveItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillLess, 1, true)
                caster.AddItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillGreat, 1, true)
                soulTrapped = true
                iSoulLevel -= 2
                SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel += 2
                if SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel > 4
                    SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulCounter += 1
                    SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel = SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel - 5
                caster.RemoveItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillLess, 1, true)
                caster.AddItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillCom, 1, true)
                soulTrapped = true
                iSoulLevel -= 1
                SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel += 1
                if SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel > 4
                    SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulCounter += 1
                    SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel = SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel - 5
        elseif numBenderCommon > 0
            if iSoulLevel > 1
                caster.RemoveItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillCom, 1, true)
                caster.AddItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillGrand, 1, true)
                soulTrapped = true
                iSoulLevel -= 2
                SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel += 2
                if SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel > 4
                    SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulCounter += 1
                    SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel = SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel - 5
                caster.RemoveItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillCom, 1, true)
                caster.AddItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillGreat, 1, true)
                soulTrapped = true
                iSoulLevel -= 1
                SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel += 1
                if SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel > 4
                    SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulCounter += 1
                    SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel = SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel - 5
        elseif numBenderGreater > 0
            caster.RemoveItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillGreat, 1, true)
            caster.AddItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillGrand, 1, true)
            soulTrapped = true
            iSoulLevel -= 1
            SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel += 1
            if SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel > 4
                SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulCounter += 1
                SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel = SiraGemFunctions.intYC_SiraSoulLevel - 5
    if iSoulLevel == -20    ;=> Should be the only circumstance of a wasted soul here.
        soulWasted = true

Function PlayEffects(Actor akCaster, Actor akVictim)
  TrapSoundFX.Play(akCaster)              ; Play TrapSoundFX sound from player
  TrapImod.Apply()                        ; Apply isMod at full strength
  TargetVFX.Play(akVictim, 4.7, akCaster) ; Play TargetVFX and aim them at the player
  CasterVFX.Play(akCaster, 5.9, akVictim)
  TargetFXS.Play(akVictim, 2)             ; Play effect shaders
  CasterFXS.Play(akCaster, 3)
  if SoulWasted
    ObjectReference _00E_YC_SoulWastedMarker = akVictim.PlaceAtMe(XMarkerHeading, 1)
     _00E_YC_SoulWastedMarker.MoveTo(akVictim, 0.0, 0.0, 1000)
      WastedVFX.Play(akVictim, 4.7, _00E_YC_SoulWastedMarker) ; If a part of the soul wasn't captured it will flow right up into the air.
      HeavenVFX.Play(_00E_YC_SoulWastedMarker, 5.9, akVictim)
    soulWasted = false
    _00E_YC_SoulWastedMarker = None

Function Countdown()
  latch -= 1

Function Await(int count = 0)
  while(latch > count)


;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Properties + Variables;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;


bool victimIsNPC

GlobalVariable Property SoulsCaught Auto

Actor caster
Actor victim

int latch = 1

int numPetty
int numLesser
int numLesserPetty
int numCommon
int numCommonPetty
int numCommonLesser
int numGreater
int numGreaterPetty
int numGreaterLesser
int numGreaterCommon
int numGrand
int numGrandPetty
int numGrandLesser
int numGrandCommon
int numGrandGreater
int numBender
int numBenderPetty
int numBenderLesser
int numBenderCommon
int numBenderGreater
int numBlack

_00E_SoulTrapController Property SoulTrapController Auto

Message Property _00E_FailedTrapping Auto
Message Property _00E_SuccessfulTrapping Auto
Message Property _00E_SoulPetty Auto
Message Property _00E_SoulLesser Auto
Message Property _00E_SoulCommon Auto
Message Property _00E_SoulGreater Auto
Message Property _00E_SoulGrand Auto
Message Property _00E_SoulHuman Auto

Actor Property PlayerREF Auto

Keyword Property ActorTypeNPC Auto

Static Property XMarkerHeading Auto

SoulGem Property SoulGemPetty Auto
SoulGem Property SoulGemPettyFilled Auto

SoulGem Property SoulGemLesser Auto
SoulGem Property SoulGemLesserFilled Auto
SoulGem Property _00E_SoulGemLesserFilledPetty Auto

SoulGem Property SoulGemCommon Auto
SoulGem Property SoulGemCommonFilled Auto
SoulGem Property _00E_SoulGemCommonFilledPetty Auto
SoulGem Property _00E_SoulGemCommonFilledLesser Auto

SoulGem Property SoulGemGreater Auto
SoulGem Property SoulGemGreaterFilled Auto
SoulGem Property _00E_SoulGemGreaterFilledPetty Auto
SoulGem Property _00E_SoulGemGreaterFilledLesser Auto
SoulGem Property _00E_SoulGemGreaterFilledCommon Auto

SoulGem Property SoulGemGrand Auto
SoulGem Property SoulGemGrandFilled Auto
SoulGem Property _00E_SoulGemGrandFilledPetty Auto
SoulGem Property _00E_SoulGemGrandFilledLesser Auto
SoulGem Property _00E_SoulGemGrandFilledCommon Auto
SoulGem Property _00E_SoulGemGrandFilledGreater Auto

SoulGem Property SoulGemBlack Auto
SoulGem Property SoulGemBlackFilled Auto

SoulGem Property _00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender  Auto  
SoulGem Property _00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillPetty  Auto  
SoulGem Property _00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillLess  Auto
SoulGem Property _00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillCom  Auto  
SoulGem Property _00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillGreat  Auto  
SoulGem Property _00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillGrand  Auto


It's as disgusting, but pretty functional as anything I would write, ya know?


A downside is that the filling starts after 1 second (or even longer), when you have a low framerate.

I've capped my framerate to 30 FPS and checked it out. But as a delay appears the only issue, I still stick to it. :P

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This is the pirated script from your 1st post ... (the one that set off the red flags). Anyone that knows anything about programming for Skyrim would tell you the same.
You can talk till you're blue in the face and you're never gonna convince me what I'm looking at here isn't a de-complied script. You're silly ... You know so little
about this subject you think you can pass this off as a original script. I'm shocked you're still even here ... Why don't you go ahead and report me.
I would love to see what the Dark0ne thinks of your "original script". Or the "I wrote that by hand from scratch" line.

magicSoulTrapFXScript extends ActiveMagicEffect

{Scripted effect for the Soul Trap Visual FX}

import debug




ImageSpaceModifier property TrapImod auto

{IsMod applied when we trap a soul}

sound property TrapSoundFX auto ; create a sound property we'll point to in the editor'

{Sound played when we trap a soul}

VisualEffect property TargetVFX auto

{Visual Effect on Target aiming at Caster}

VisualEffect property CasterVFX auto

{Visual Effect on Caster aming at Target}

EffectShader property CasterFXS auto

{Effect Shader on Caster during Soul trap}

EffectShader property TargetFXS auto

{Effect Shader on Target during Soul trap}

bool property bIsEnchantmentEffect = false auto

{Set this to true if this soul trap is on a weapon enchantment or a spell that can do damage to deal with a fringe case}




; objectreference playerref

bool DeadAlready = FALSE

bool bUseWait = True




;Declaring soul gem levels:

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

victim = akTarget

= akCaster


victimIsNPC = true


if bIsEnchantmentEffect == False

DeadAlready = Victim.IsDead()




Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)


if victim

; initiate lock to prevent multiple soul traps from processing at the same time:

if(SoulTrapController != None)





if(!deadAlready && victim.IsDead() && victim.GetActorValue("PerceptionCondition") != 0)

bool soulTrapped = false

String soulType = "None"

if numSiraFillCounter == 50 && Caster.GetItemCount(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender)

numSiraFillCounter = 0

Caster.RemoveItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender, 1, true)

Caster.AddItem(_00E_WishWell_FrostcliffTavern_BrokenSoulgem, 1)


;if victim is not a humanoid, remove Black Soul Gems from inventory before trap begins:


;numBlack = caster.GetItemCount(SoulGemBlack)

;caster.RemoveItem(SoulGemBlack, numBlack, true)

= caster.GetItemCount(SoulGemPetty)

numLesser = caster.GetItemCount(SoulGemLesser)

numCommon = caster.GetItemCount(SoulGemCommon)

numGreater = caster.GetItemCount(SoulGemGreater)

numGrand = caster.GetItemCount(SoulGemGrand)

int targetLevel = victim.GetLevel()

if(targetLevel < Game.GetGameSettingInt("iLesserSoulActorLevel")) ;soul is petty


if(numPetty > 0)

caster.RemoveItem(SoulGemPetty, 1, true)

caster.AddItem(SoulGemPettyFilled, 1, true)

soulTrapped = true

elseif (numLesser > 0)

caster.RemoveItem(SoulGemLesser, 1, true)

caster.AddItem(_00E_SoulGemLesserFilledPetty, 1, true)

soulTrapped = true

elseif(numCommon > 0)

caster.RemoveItem(SoulGemCommon, 1, true)

caster.AddItem(_00E_SoulGemCommonFilledPetty, 1, true)

soulTrapped = true

elseif(numGreater > 0)

caster.RemoveItem(SoulGemGreater, 1, true)

caster.AddItem(_00E_SoulGemGreaterFilledPetty, 1, true)

soulTrapped = true

elseif(numGrand > 0)

caster.RemoveItem(SoulGemGrand, 1, true)

caster.AddItem(_00E_SoulGemGrandFilledPetty, 1, true)

soulTrapped = true


caster.RemoveItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender, 1, true)

caster.AddItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillPetty, 1, true)

soulTrapped = true

numSiraFillCounter += 1


(targetLevel < Game.GetGameSettingInt("iCommonSoulActorLevel"));soul is lesser


if(numLesser > 0)

caster.RemoveItem(SoulGemLesser, 1, true)

caster.AddItem(SoulGemLesserFilled, 1, true)

soulTrapped = true

elseif (numCommon > 0)

caster.RemoveItem(SoulGemCommon, 1, true)

caster.AddItem(_00E_SoulGemCommonFilledLesser, 1, true)

soulTrapped = true

elseif(numGreater > 0)

caster.RemoveItem(SoulGemGreater, 1, true)

caster.AddItem(_00E_SoulGemGreaterFilledLesser, 1, true)

soulTrapped = true

elseif(numGrand > 0)

caster.RemoveItem(SoulGemGrand, 1, true)

caster.AddItem(_00E_SoulGemGrandFilledLesser, 1, true)

soulTrapped = true


caster.RemoveItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender, 1, true)

caster.AddItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillLess, 1, true)

soulTrapped = true

numSiraFillCounter += 1


(targetLevel < Game.GetGameSettingInt("iGreaterSoulActorLevel")) ;soul is common


if(numCommon > 0)

caster.RemoveItem(SoulGemCommon, 1, true)

caster.AddItem(SoulGemCommonFilled, 1, true)

soulTrapped = true

elseif(numGreater > 0)

caster.RemoveItem(SoulGemGreater, 1, true)

caster.AddItem(_00E_SoulGemGreaterFilledCommon, 1, true)

soulTrapped = true

elseif(numGrand > 0)

caster.RemoveItem(SoulGemGrand, 1, true)

caster.AddItem(_00E_SoulGemGrandFilledCommon, 1, true)

soulTrapped = true


caster.RemoveItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender, 1, true)

caster.AddItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillCom, 1, true)

soulTrapped = true

numSiraFillCounter += 1


(targetLevel < Game.GetGameSettingInt("iGrandSoulActorLevel")) ;soul is greater


if(numGreater > 0)

caster.RemoveItem(SoulGemGreater, 1, true)

caster.AddItem(SoulGemGreaterFilled, 1, true)

soulTrapped = true

elseif(numGrand > 0)

caster.RemoveItem(SoulGemGrand, 1, true)

caster.AddItem(_00E_SoulGemGrandFilledGreater, 1, true)

soulTrapped = true


caster.RemoveItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender, 1, true)

caster.AddItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillGreat, 1, true)

soulTrapped = true

numSiraFillCounter += 1




if(numGrand > 0)

caster.RemoveItem(SoulGemGrand, 1, true)

caster.AddItem(SoulGemGrandFilled, 1, true)

soulTrapped = true


caster.RemoveItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender, 1, true)

caster.AddItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillGrand, 1, true)

soulTrapped = true

numSiraFillCounter += 1



; return Black Soul Gems:

;caster.AddItem(SoulGemBlack, numBlack, true)


numBlack = caster.GetItemCount(SoulGemBlack)

if(numBlack > 0)

caster.RemoveItem(SoulGemBlack, 1, true)

caster.AddItem(SoulGemBlackFilled, 1, true)

soulTrapped = true


caster.RemoveItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender, 1, true)

caster.AddItem(_00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillGrand, 1, true)

soulTrapped = true

numSiraFillCounter += 1



; begin vanilla Soul Trap FX finale:

if(soulTrapped == true)

victim.SetActorValue("PerceptionCondition", 0)

PlayEffects(caster, victim)

if soulType=="Petty"

Debug.Notification(_00E_SoulPetty.GetName()+" "+_00E_SuccessfulTrapping.GetName())


elseif soulType=="Lesser"

Debug.Notification(_00E_SoulLesser.GetName()+" "+_00E_SuccessfulTrapping.GetName())


elseif soulType=="Common"

Debug.Notification(_00E_SoulCommon.GetName()+" "+_00E_SuccessfulTrapping.GetName())


elseif soulType =="Greater"

Debug.Notification(_00E_SoulGreater.GetName()+" "+_00E_SuccessfulTrapping.GetName())


elseif soulType =="Grand"

Debug.Notification(_00E_SoulGrand.GetName()+" "+_00E_SuccessfulTrapping.GetName())









; release lock







Function PlayEffects(Actor akCaster, Actor akVictim)

TrapSoundFX.Play(akCaster) ; Play TrapSoundFX sound from player

TrapImod.Apply() ; Apply isMod at full strength

TargetVFX.Play(akVictim, 4.7, akCaster) ; Play TargetVFX and aim them at the player

CasterVFX.Play(akCaster, 5.9, akVictim)

TargetFXS.Play(akVictim, 2) ; Play effect shaders

CasterFXS.Play(akCaster, 3)


Function Countdown()

latch -= 1


Function Await(int count = 0)

while(latch > count)





;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Properties + Variables;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;


bool victimIsNPC

GlobalVariable Property SoulsCaught Auto

Actor caster

Actor victim

int latch = 1

int numPetty

int numLesser

int numCommon

int numGreater

int numGrand

int numBlack

int numSiraFillCounter

Property SoulTrapController Auto

Message Property _00E_FailedTrapping Auto

Message Property _00E_SuccessfulTrapping Auto

Message Property _00E_SoulPetty Auto

Message Property _00E_SoulLesser Auto

Message Property _00E_SoulCommon Auto

Message Property _00E_SoulGreater Auto

Message Property _00E_SoulGrand Auto

Message Property _00E_SoulHuman Auto

Actor Property PlayerREF Auto

Keyword Property ActorTypeNPC Auto

SoulGem Property SoulGemPetty Auto

SoulGem Property SoulGemPettyFilled Auto

SoulGem Property SoulGemLesser Auto

SoulGem Property SoulGemLesserFilled Auto

SoulGem Property _00E_SoulGemLesserFilledPetty Auto

SoulGem Property SoulGemCommon Auto

SoulGem Property SoulGemCommonFilled Auto

SoulGem Property _00E_SoulGemCommonFilledPetty Auto

SoulGem Property _00E_SoulGemCommonFilledLesser Auto

SoulGem Property SoulGemGreater Auto

SoulGem Property SoulGemGreaterFilled Auto

SoulGem Property _00E_SoulGemGreaterFilledPetty Auto

SoulGem Property _00E_SoulGemGreaterFilledLesser Auto

SoulGem Property _00E_SoulGemGreaterFilledCommon Auto

SoulGem Property SoulGemGrand Auto

SoulGem Property SoulGemGrandFilled Auto

SoulGem Property _00E_SoulGemGrandFilledPetty Auto

SoulGem Property _00E_SoulGemGrandFilledLesser Auto

SoulGem Property _00E_SoulGemGrandFilledCommon Auto

SoulGem Property _00E_SoulGemGrandFilledGreater Auto

SoulGem Property SoulGemBlack Auto

SoulGem Property SoulGemBlackFilled Auto

SoulGem Property _00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender Auto

SoulGem Property _00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillPetty Auto

SoulGem Property _00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillLess Auto

SoulGem Property _00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillCom Auto

SoulGem Property _00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillGreat Auto

SoulGem Property _00E_YerosCave_SiraSoulbender_FillGrand Auto

MiscObject Property _00E_WishWell_FrostcliffTavern_BrokenSoulgem Auto

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I said that this script comes from Enderal and includes the changes for my "Soulbender" as no reusable soul gem exists in Enderal.

Have you actually downloaded Enderal and compared their default script to mine?


It even differs because that one doesn't include the "Soulbender".


I've already reported you, no worries.



Just hoping to make you also aware about you being s***-talking.

This is the original script of Enderal:



ScriptName magicSoulTrapFXScript extends ActiveMagicEffect
{Scripted effect for the Soul Trap Visual FX}

import debug

ImageSpaceModifier property TrapImod auto
{IsMod applied when we trap a soul}
sound property TrapSoundFX auto ; create a sound property we'll point to in the editor
{Sound played when we trap a soul}
VisualEffect property TargetVFX auto
{Visual Effect on Target aiming at Caster}
VisualEffect property CasterVFX auto
{Visual Effect on Caster aming at Target}
EffectShader property CasterFXS auto
{Effect Shader on Caster during Soul trap}
EffectShader property TargetFXS auto
{Effect Shader on Target during Soul trap}
bool property bIsEnchantmentEffect = false auto
{Set this to true if this soul trap is on a weapon enchantment or a spell that can do damage to deal with a fringe case}

; objectreference playerref
bool DeadAlready = FALSE
bool bUseWait = True
;  EVENTS      /

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
    victim = akTarget
    caster = akCaster
        victimIsNPC = true
    if bIsEnchantmentEffect == False
        DeadAlready = Victim.IsDead()

Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
    if victim
        ; initiate lock to prevent multiple soul traps from processing at the same time:
        if(SoulTrapController != None)
        if(!deadAlready && victim.IsDead() && victim.GetActorValue("PerceptionCondition") != 0)
            bool soulTrapped = false
            String soulType = "None"
            ;if victim is not a humanoid, remove Black Soul Gems from inventory before trap begins:
                numBlack = caster.GetItemCount(SoulGemBlack)
                caster.RemoveItem(SoulGemBlack, numBlack, true)
                numPetty = caster.GetItemCount(SoulGemPetty)
                numLesser = caster.GetItemCount(SoulGemLesser)
                numCommon = caster.GetItemCount(SoulGemCommon)
                numGreater = caster.GetItemCount(SoulGemGreater)
                numGrand = caster.GetItemCount(SoulGemGrand)
                int targetLevel = victim.GetLevel()
                if(targetLevel < Game.GetGameSettingInt("iLesserSoulActorLevel")) ;soul is petty
                    if(numPetty > 0)
                        caster.RemoveItem(SoulGemPetty, 1, true)
                        caster.AddItem(SoulGemPettyFilled, 1, true)
                        soulTrapped = true
                    elseif (numLesser > 0)
                        caster.RemoveItem(SoulGemLesser, 1, true)
                        caster.AddItem(_00E_SoulGemLesserFilledPetty, 1, true)
                        soulTrapped = true
                    elseif(numCommon > 0)
                        caster.RemoveItem(SoulGemCommon, 1, true)
                        caster.AddItem(_00E_SoulGemCommonFilledPetty, 1, true)
                        soulTrapped = true
                    elseif(numGreater > 0)
                        caster.RemoveItem(SoulGemGreater, 1, true)
                        caster.AddItem(_00E_SoulGemGreaterFilledPetty, 1, true)
                        soulTrapped = true
                    elseif(numGrand > 0)
                    caster.RemoveItem(SoulGemGrand, 1, true)
                    caster.AddItem(_00E_SoulGemGrandFilledPetty, 1, true)
                    soulTrapped = true
                elseif(targetLevel < Game.GetGameSettingInt("iCommonSoulActorLevel"));soul is lesser
                    if(numLesser > 0)
                        caster.RemoveItem(SoulGemLesser, 1, true)
                        caster.AddItem(SoulGemLesserFilled, 1, true)
                        soulTrapped = true
                    elseif (numCommon > 0)
                        caster.RemoveItem(SoulGemCommon, 1, true)
                        caster.AddItem(_00E_SoulGemCommonFilledLesser, 1, true)
                        soulTrapped = true
                    elseif(numGreater > 0)
                        caster.RemoveItem(SoulGemGreater, 1, true)
                        caster.AddItem(_00E_SoulGemGreaterFilledLesser, 1, true)
                        soulTrapped = true
                    elseif(numGrand > 0)
                        caster.RemoveItem(SoulGemGrand, 1, true)
                        caster.AddItem(_00E_SoulGemGrandFilledLesser, 1, true)
                        soulTrapped = true
                elseif(targetLevel < Game.GetGameSettingInt("iGreaterSoulActorLevel")) ;soul is common
                    if(numCommon > 0)
                        caster.RemoveItem(SoulGemCommon, 1, true)
                        caster.AddItem(SoulGemCommonFilled, 1, true)
                        soulTrapped = true
                    elseif(numGreater > 0)
                        caster.RemoveItem(SoulGemGreater, 1, true)
                        caster.AddItem(_00E_SoulGemGreaterFilledCommon, 1, true)
                        soulTrapped = true
                    elseif(numGrand > 0)
                        caster.RemoveItem(SoulGemGrand, 1, true)
                        caster.AddItem(_00E_SoulGemGrandFilledCommon, 1, true)
                        soulTrapped = true
                elseif(targetLevel < Game.GetGameSettingInt("iGrandSoulActorLevel")) ;soul is greater
                    if(numGreater > 0)
                        caster.RemoveItem(SoulGemGreater, 1, true)
                        caster.AddItem(SoulGemGreaterFilled, 1, true)
                        soulTrapped = true
                    elseif(numGrand > 0)
                        caster.RemoveItem(SoulGemGrand, 1, true)
                        caster.AddItem(_00E_SoulGemGrandFilledGreater, 1, true)
                        soulTrapped = true
                    if(numGrand > 0)
                    caster.RemoveItem(SoulGemGrand, 1, true)
                    caster.AddItem(SoulGemGrandFilled, 1, true)
                    soulTrapped = true
            ; return Black Soul Gems:
            caster.AddItem(SoulGemBlack, numBlack, true)
            soulTrapped = akCaster.TrapSoul(victim)
            ; begin vanilla Soul Trap FX finale:
            if(soulTrapped == true)
                victim.SetActorValue("PerceptionCondition", 0)
                PlayEffects(caster, victim)
                if soulType=="Petty"
                    Debug.Notification(_00E_SoulPetty.GetName()+" "+_00E_SuccessfulTrapping.GetName())
                elseif soulType=="Lesser"
                    Debug.Notification(_00E_SoulLesser.GetName()+" "+_00E_SuccessfulTrapping.GetName())
                elseif soulType=="Common"
                    Debug.Notification(_00E_SoulCommon.GetName()+" "+_00E_SuccessfulTrapping.GetName())
                elseif soulType =="Greater"
                    Debug.Notification(_00E_SoulGreater.GetName()+" "+_00E_SuccessfulTrapping.GetName())
                elseif soulType =="Grand"
                    Debug.Notification(_00E_SoulGrand.GetName()+" "+_00E_SuccessfulTrapping.GetName())
            elseif (!victimIsNPC)
        ; release lock


Function PlayEffects(Actor akCaster, Actor akVictim)
  TrapSoundFX.Play(akCaster)              ; Play TrapSoundFX sound from player
  TrapImod.Apply()                        ; Apply isMod at full strength
  TargetVFX.Play(akVictim, 4.7, akCaster) ; Play TargetVFX and aim them at the player
  CasterVFX.Play(akCaster, 5.9, akVictim)
  TargetFXS.Play(akVictim, 2)             ; Play effect shaders
  CasterFXS.Play(akCaster, 3)

Function Countdown()
  latch -= 1

Function Await(int count = 0)
  while(latch > count)

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Properties + Variables;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

bool victimIsNPC

GlobalVariable Property SoulsCaught Auto

Actor caster
Actor victim

int latch = 1
int numPetty
int numLesser
int numCommon
int numGreater
int numGrand
int numBlack

_00E_SoulTrapController Property SoulTrapController Auto

Message Property _00E_FailedTrapping Auto
Message Property _00E_SuccessfulTrapping Auto

Message Property _00E_SoulPetty Auto
Message Property _00E_SoulLesser Auto
Message Property _00E_SoulCommon Auto
Message Property _00E_SoulGreater Auto
Message Property _00E_SoulGrand Auto
Message Property _00E_SoulHuman Auto

Actor Property PlayerREF Auto

Keyword Property ActorTypeNPC Auto

SoulGem Property SoulGemPetty Auto
SoulGem Property SoulGemPettyFilled Auto

SoulGem Property SoulGemLesser Auto
SoulGem Property SoulGemLesserFilled Auto
SoulGem Property _00E_SoulGemLesserFilledPetty Auto

SoulGem Property SoulGemCommon Auto
SoulGem Property SoulGemCommonFilled Auto
SoulGem Property _00E_SoulGemCommonFilledPetty Auto
SoulGem Property _00E_SoulGemCommonFilledLesser Auto

SoulGem Property SoulGemGreater Auto
SoulGem Property SoulGemGreaterFilled Auto
SoulGem Property _00E_SoulGemGreaterFilledPetty Auto
SoulGem Property _00E_SoulGemGreaterFilledLesser Auto
SoulGem Property _00E_SoulGemGreaterFilledCommon Auto

SoulGem Property SoulGemGrand Auto
SoulGem Property SoulGemGrandFilled Auto
SoulGem Property _00E_SoulGemGrandFilledPetty Auto
SoulGem Property _00E_SoulGemGrandFilledLesser Auto
SoulGem Property _00E_SoulGemGrandFilledCommon Auto
SoulGem Property _00E_SoulGemGrandFilledGreater Auto

SoulGem Property SoulGemBlack Auto




I am currently also recording a video while posting this, that one I will post afterwards. Where you see me unpacking the "E - Scripts.bsa" which contains all Enderal scripts.




Here you go:



So, is your point now that you are not allowed to change scripts that come with the base game?????????????





I'm shocked you're still even here ...

I am shocked that you are able to write mods on your own with your obvious lack of comprehension.


So, let's say I unpack the scripts of Skyrim (which is necessary as otherwise the CK will crash when adding new scripts) and use one of these original scripts for myself just to enhance a few functions.

If that would be forbidden, why did Bethesda put the original PSC files into their script packages too?


Simple answer: So modders can change these to their own preference.


And it's the exact same thing I did with the original magicSoulTrapFXScript from Enderal.


But let me make a short recap of my initial post for the special snowflake:


Hey there,


I currently want to mod some sort of "Azura's Star" for Enderal (Total Conversion of Skyrim).

Yet as Enderal uses a scripted soul trap spell to avoid the well-known bug of soul gems loosing their filling I actually wanted to continue on that.

This is me acknowledging that I am using the original Enderal script of magicSoulTrapFXScript.



That's my current script for the magic effect Soul Trap.

And here I tell that this is my current script as I already changed the original to my preferences ultimately having the script I previously posted in my mind.


Do you spot the difference? The script in the first page already has a "Soulbender" property which the original Enderal script doesn't have. As that's my personal addition, ya know?!

So after all, it should be very clear that I simply have enhanced the already existing script for Enderal as I nowhere said anything else!

Got it?

When I acknowledge that the script is based on the original Enderal script, then you will have a hard time explaining why this is 'pirating scripts'.


And last but not least, how do you even think that mentioning the site owner benefits you in any way? If you really are that butthurt, that you want to bring the site owner into this, then I hope you fastened your seat belts as I reported you for "defamatory statement" and I just provided enough evidence to stand my case.


Are we done with dick comparison now?????



Or the "I wrote that by hand from scratch" line.




What I and anyone else would take personal is being called a jackass and continuous low key insults at every re-re-re-post.
I don't know if you asked Surfs, I don't know how Surfs got it. Who knows if Surfs had the right to give it to you. Clearly that is a raw
de-compiled script.


The script I wrote for JustChill was written from scratch.


Because that was me who wrote that? Furthermore she is referencing the REFERENCE ALIAS SCRIPT not the MAGIC EFFECT SCRIPT here.

You are absolutely unable to get a grip.


I either wrote you a personal message, as I don't think you want to get yourself into further trouble in the public...

Maybe you are manly enough to admit your mistake there?

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This is the pirated script from your 1st post ... (the one that set off the red flags). Anyone that knows anything about programming for Skyrim would tell you the same.

You can talk till you're blue in the face and you're never gonna convince me what I'm looking at here isn't a de-complied script.

Well, you're wrong. It is based on the magicsoultrapfxscript that comes with Enderal.


That being said, you are clearly not interested in helping, so please refrain from posting in this thread as it only makes it harder for users who want to help.



@JustChill @NexusComa


Please consider using our block/ignore tools as no one benefits from the two of you continuing this argument. Thanks.

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