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Really Basic Questions


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I'm trying to install my first Skyrim mods (mainly SkyUI), and am trying to get SKSE in first.


I think I've installed SKSE correctly (if I double-click skse_launcher the game starts, albeit skipping the Skyrim Launcher screen with the Options and Data Files which I will need to access at some point), but I am having a problem with my shortcut... I've never seen a shortcut like this before. When I open up the properties for the shortcut I am told that it is an internet shortcut and, rather than pointing to the expected program on my disk, it is poited at a Steam url. Again, I've never seen a shortcut like this before and have no clue what is going on.


So, reasoning that Steam is always on in the background anyway (according to the readme Steam must be running before starting skse_launcher) I tried to make a new shortcut. The problem here is that I can't seem to maintain the Skyrim logo and keep getting a generic application icon. I create a shortcut to either TESV or SkyrimLauncher and then as soon as I change the target to skse_launcher it reverts to the generic icon. This may sound petty, but I absolutely do not want a generic icon on my desktop, I want the Skyrim logo.


What is going on with the internet shortcut?


Will skipping SkyrimLauncher be an issue, or can I just launch the game normally, through that, to make and save any changes and then relaunch with skse running?


How do I get the shortcut to skse_launcher to use a Skyrim logo instead of a generic icon?


The only games I have ever used mods in were NWN and X3: Terran Conflict (actually, X3:TC, X3:R and X3:AP), so this is al very new to me.

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Dunno what's going on with the shortcut. If you want, delete it, then re-create the shortcut from the executable.


You only need to run the SkyrimLauncher if you want to mess around with Data Files or the other options. Once you install Nexus Mod Manager ("NMM"), you can use it for determining mod load order (see the Plugins tab) instead of SkyrimLauncher. SkyrimLauncher still has it's use for changing the graphics options.


Use the SKSE loader to play the game, it doesn't do anything to the mod load order - that's solely up to SkyrimLauncher or NMM, neither of which have to be running when you want to play.


Ok so far?

Edited by Trucidation
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If you are wanting to change the icon on your SKSE shortcut right click on it and choose 'properties'. Press 'change icon'. You'll get a pop up box with icons in it. Choose 'browse'. Browse to your in game TESV.exe and double click on that. Click 'apply' or 'ok'. Was this helpful to you?




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