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Custom Races - Seperate Body Models


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I'm in the process of making some custom companions, using a custom race for each one, so that I can set their stats etc. without altering any vanilla races. But I would also like to be able to set the body model (unp or cbbe) to each companion individually.

I assumed that I would be able to change which nif the race uses for its body model in the ck, but I can only find entries for the skeleton, hkx and egt files under the body data tab for the race.


I'm probably going about this all wrong, so any help would be appreciated.

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Look in ArmorAddon for NakedBody.


And there's a lot of mods that assign body models to custom races, I'd load one of them with CK to see what it does. When loading the mod you can click "details" and get a list of items changed / added by the mod, so you get an idea what you are looking for.


Edit: Torso not Body, my mistake, sorry. And thanks IsharaMeradin for correcting.

Edited by Grimoa
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So If I'm using unp as my default body for all races but want just my custom race to use cbbe, I just need to duplicate the NakedBodyAtrid armoraddon entry, tick only my custom race under additional races and have the biped model point to the cbbe nif (in a different location to the unp nif)?

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You don't want to use NakedBodyAstrid but rather one of








as well as the matching NakedFeet & NakedHands


EDIT: but no matter what form you copy & modify you still have to apply them to the SkinNaked armor form that you are using for your custom character/race.

Edited by IsharaMeradin
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Hmmm, didn't seem to work, just stayed as unp.

I duplicated NakedTorso as NakedTorsoCustom and added it to my custom race in the SkinNaked models form (while deleting the existing NakedTorso entry).

I tried unchecking my custom race from the NakedTorso armoraddon form but it won't stay unchecked for some reason.

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Did you reassign the model assignments? If you only renamed the form and didn't actually change where it gets the mesh that it uses there won't actually be a change in game. You may also have to look into making a custom skin texture set. The armor addon form will point you to what you need to look at.


Better yet take a look at my Unique Races mod. It makes the standard playable races to each have the ability to have different body parts.


Follow the links between forms and make sure that you redirect EVERYTHING to your custom location. Don't just copy the form, but make sure you change the resource that it uses.

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Yeah I made sure to assign the models to the correct places.

I'm guessing the problem is with my custom race as I managed to get it working with vanilla races no problem.

I'll keep messing around till I get it or if all else fails I'll take a look at that Unique Races mod. See if I can't learn something from it.


Edit: Thanks to everyone who replied, got it sorted now.

Had to duplicate the SkinNaked form and create a texture set.

Edited by Squizzo
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