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I was just playing Oblivion (YES I still play it. I mod it as well) and I noticed in one of the oblivion planes (most likely all that this character appears in) that the formID Dremora5MarkynazMage does not have hands or feet! WTF? Now I'm pretty good at modding, despite my lack of scripting skills, but I can not for the life of my main player character figure out how to get this guy some hands and feet! I can't find ANY daedra character models in the .bsa file. Any ideas? I will probably end up fixing him in my main mod by recreating him from the Dremora6ValkynazMage. That one has hands and feet but the head is different, stats and a few odds and ends. Just asking. I'm not lazy just wondered if anyone else has encountered this and might have a quick fix.




Ok, never mind. I found it was the DremoraMarkynazRobe that was set to cover hands and feet when it should not. Maybe I accidentally changed it, I'm not sure. If you see the same thing, just use the CS to edit your favorite mod, edit the robe, unselect Hand and Feet and you're good to go.

Edited by jhthomas512
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Do you use Ahtata Dremora replacer HGEC? If not that then perhaps another Dremora robe replacer that uses the Dremora robe created by Dude2000 (see the Ahtata mod credits).


There is a mod fixing that (and a problem with a Daedric armor replacer) ... Black Robe and Daedric Armor replacement -FIXED.

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