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New to modding which ones should I get?


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Hello everyone! I just reinstalled my Skyrim today to try out the new DLC and to check out some mods. I noticed there are tons of them lol! I just wanted to get some feedback from this experienced community on the best mods out there to get. I have a strong pc so I would definitely want to get the HD packs I just don't know which ones to get. I also seen there was some mods that added vaults to the major cities, also is there any more thief/assassins style mods out there? Im also open to any other mods that you guys can suggest.


Sorry if all this seems raddled Im a little tired.



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I recommend:

Xenius Character Enhancement

Serious HD (install Skyrim 2k HD first, choose "overwrite" when prompted in NMM)


Pure Waters or W.A.T.E.R.

HD signs

Climates of Tamriel

^ These will make Skyrim pretty.




I linked one. Too lazy for the rest.


BTW, dump these files into your Skyrim directory. Do so whenever it says it needs updated. Overwrite when it asks you to as well.



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