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HDT-SMP - launching SKSE instant crash (doesn't even launch)


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Ok i write here hoping for some help, because @aers seems probably busy and doesn't reply.


Using MO2 when i launch SKSE while HDT-SMP is active, the "cmd like windows" prompts appear but instantly i get back to MO2, so SKSE it doesn't even start SkyrimSE.

Can't figure out why.


Fresh install, everything installed correctly.

SKSE version is correct, obviously.


+CBBE Body


+Nemesis Patch (or even tried with FNIS Patch)


Tried both version, avx and no avx: doesn't work.

Tried installing the plugin directly in folder: doesn't work.


If i move out hdtSMP64.dll, SKSE starts SkyrimSE normally.


SKSE logs: everything ok, no errors. And in hdtSMP64.log there's nothing logged, just "hdtSMP64 2.0".


CPU: Ryzen 7 1700


It's the only plugin that doesn't work.


I can't understand why...

Edited by RealPuPpEt
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UPDATE: Newest NetScriptFramework crashlog:

Unhandled native exception occurred at 0x7FFFCA88A839 (KERNELBASE.dll+3A839) on thread 7832!

FrameworkName: NetScriptFramework
FrameworkVersion: 8
FrameworkArchitecture: x64
GameLibrary: SkyrimSE
GameLibraryVersion: 10
ApplicationName: SkyrimSE.exe
VersionInfo: Successfully loaded
Time: 31 Jan 2020 11:25:48.904

Probable callstack
[0]0x7FFFCA88A839 (KERNELBASE.dll+3A839)
[1]0x7FFFCA88A839 (KERNELBASE.dll+3A839)
[2]0x7FFFCCD7F49F (ntdll.dll+1F49F)
[3]0x7FFF7B88FB36 (hdtSMP64.dll+EFB36)
[4]0x7FFF7B88B504 (hdtSMP64.dll+EB504)
[5]0x7FFF7B7F2E71 (hdtSMP64.dll+52E71)
[6]0x7FFF7B7AD2DE (hdtSMP64.dll+D2DE)
[7]0x7FFF7B7AD52D (hdtSMP64.dll+D52D)
[8]0x7FFF7B7F1610 (hdtSMP64.dll+51610)
[9]0x7FFF9645BC41 (skse64_1_5_97.dll+8BC41)
[10] 0x7FFF963D562C (skse64_1_5_97.dll+562C)
[11] 0x7FFF963DD412 (skse64_1_5_97.dll+D412)
[12] 0x7FF7606AD970 (SkyrimSE.exe+5AD970) unk_5ACC20+D50
[13] 0x7FF7606AE90A (SkyrimSE.exe+5AE90A) unk_5AE010+8FA
[14] 0x7FFFB364157C (skse64_steam_loader.dll+157C)
[15] 0x7FF76144BAF2 (SkyrimSE.exe+134BAF2)unk_134BAD0+22
[16] 0x7FFFCAB1C258 (ucrtbase.dll+1C258)
[17] 0x7FF7606ACBE7 (SkyrimSE.exe+5ACBE7) unk_5ACBD0+17
[18] 0x7FF76144B17A (SkyrimSE.exe+134B17A)unk_134B05C+11E
[19] 0x7FFFCCA87BD4 (KERNEL32.DLL+17BD4)
[20] 0x7FFFCCDCCED1 (ntdll.dll+6CED1)
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Hmm... SKSE instant crash brings to mind (to me) the possibility that steam isn't running. Probably not your problem but I figured it can't hurt to say. I've gotten caught by that in the past.

Steam is loaded in system tray and running.

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Well it was worth a try. I don't have many other answers. Have you posted a query at the HDT-SMP mod page? You might get more targeted help there.

First thing that i did, on HDT-SMP comments section, on bugs section and even private message to the creator. But no answers, and the creator doesn't read messages it seems

Edited by RealPuPpEt
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Basically the .dll from http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/30872 is simply broken for my computer, it has something wrong.
I've solved it by trying the original HDT of Hydrogensays 1.5.97 and it works, even the version 1.5.80 unofficially patched to 1.5.97 works (with "same author" aers patcher).


So aers should check his .dll cause there's clearly something wrong!

Edited by RealPuPpEt
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