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Weird visual bugs and fps drop


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ill try the casm and lowering the graphics settings but the weird part is that ive been able to play on high graphics and not mess with casm for a few months now with no problem even after i got rid of stutter remover bc it was causing my game to freeze constantly

once again thank you for your help

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That is puzzling. Typically the only reasons for a sudden drop in FPS where none existed before are either exceeding the capacity of your video pipeline (such as adding too many high-rez images) or a hardware problem such as bad RAM. You need to try defragmenting your HDD as well. File fragmentation builds up over time and can slow the pipeline (though I wouldn't expect a drop to 1 FPS).


Presumably you switched over to "New Vegas Tick Fix" when you dropped NVSR. Check you have the latest version and if they have added any configuration settings or recommendations you may need to tweak.



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