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Volkihar vampires attack me!


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I can't stand this anymore! I have Skyrim on Xbox, but I had to get it on PC because there were too many glitches and it froze all the time. Now, I can't play Dawngaurd because as soon as I enter Volkihar Castle with Serana, everyone there turns hostile and attacks us both! I deactivated every mod, loaded a different save and tried like that, input "stopcombat" and "setav aggression 0" in the tilde menu, cured my vampirism, and even used the Hybrid vampire lord/ werewolf mod so I could input "bat -B-20" to activate "everyone loves me" so I belonged to every faction and set relationships to 4. I even input "SetRelationShipRank 4" in the tilde on each vampire there while they were attacking, but there was no change for ANY of these. I really need a mod that prevents these ***holes from attacking me! Thanks.
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Did you try to COC Qasmoke out of the castle before they turned hostile?

It worked for me, but I highly doubt you kept "just in case" save?


I wouldn't touch the more complicated console commands, you just end up messing everything up, unless you know exactly what happens with each command.


As far as I know, there's no mod to prevent this? It might be vanilla bug, but many mod users have reported having some issues like this.

I'd say, it's impossible to "fix" this on current save where they already turned hostile.

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Shadowjin, you're my new best friend! I have been trying to solve this annoying problem for 2 full days now, and you came right out and solved it! How the heck do you know about "Coc" stuff anyway? I've obviously got much to learn. Thank you, thank you, etc. Better believe I gave you Kudos!!
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