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Many mods and no crushes is it even possible?


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I love Skyrim, I really do. But this game drives me nuts sometimes. It seems that no matter what I do, if I want to install a decent collection of mods, I get crushes. Sometimes its not too often, sometimes - all the time.

So my question: is there anyone who has 100+ mods collection and no crushes or other issues at all? If so, how did you manage this?

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I have 169 mods (just counted) and never get crashes. Cant really tell you how i do it though, other then a few bits and pieces.


1- Personally i stay clear of many of the massive overhaul mods, (I know they are brilliant, i know this, and it's not easy to resist) but these mods stick there grubby little fingers in just about every aspect of the game. now while they may work flawlessly with only skyrim and a handful other mods loaded. Once you have 100+ mods, you are 100% certain to get conflicts and that's that. No magic words or load orders will help you. Having said that, if you MUST have one of them, then have one, but only ONE!! base you total skyrim experience on that one all consuming mod, and for there on mod around it. dont mix 2-3-4+ total conversions. from my experience it just doesn't work.


2- BOSS is a very helpful tool. actually its a must have tool! but dont take its load order as gospel. i have about 40 unrecognised mods in my boss. and i load order these personally. trial and error. Read the mod authors recommendations and adjust respectively.


3- read the comments of new mods, have a look at the problems others are having before downloading. Is it worth trying or wait a little longer for a fix. you probably don't care if your game keeps crashing anyway, but you will when you game has run flawlessly for a month... you'll get stricter, believe me.


4a- have 2 save games going. 1st which is your actual game, and 2nd which is your alternate character but is actually a mod testing crash test dummy. all betas or brand spanking new mods get installed on 2nd save, and tested. make sure both saves have same load ordered mods, to get a proper test. however this requires loading and unloading depending on which game you feel like playing, and a little TLC. so high maintenance.


4b- alternatively if you don't like above mentioned method. go bonkers on the nexus for a few days, downloading everything you want and spend a couple days making it work nicely. start with gameplay changes, scrip changes and such. once all that is working, then do your armor changes, weapons, items so on. Get it working, delete, and start new game, then don't download anything for another month or two. by then new mods are more fleshed out, beta mods are probably finalised and upgrade accordingly. low maintenance, since once you got it going, nothing will break until you introduce another mod. and if it breaks, then you'll know who the problem child is.


5- i personally no longer use steam mods, nexus is your friend, i personally use NMM but the others are fine too. however, try and remember where mods and what mods are installing, make your own Readme file that documents it, so if you get a crash or bug, you will roughly know which mod may have cause it. having something to go on is better then, "bang" crash...hmm 4000 mods, which is to blame?


6- many of my crashes vanished when i started a new game with all mods loaded... adding mod after mod to an existing games is from my experience a major factor in a buggy game. see point 4b


7- I am a mod prostitute, i love to try out mods even if i never intend to use them in game. I have always just loved testing out the cool stuff the community makes. so i have skyrim installed on my laptop. i never play on laptop, but i use that version to test out mods i have no intention of adding to my game. Installing and uninstalling mods is not good for an existing game


8- Burn a candle or make a shrine to Sai, he plays a part in everything ;)



Hope that helps a little. It's not a perfect science, and i have no doubt some of it comes down to the system you are using also (i have a powerful PC which no doubt helps) but it can be done. However less is more, the fewer mods you use the less likely you will get bugs crashes. So browse this beauty we have called the nexus, write a list of features/mods you simply must have. try to compile a list that gives you what you desire using the least amount of mods possible, again, it is the game changing mods, not the armor weapons mods, that most often conflict. So focus on them first.




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Aye, I take it you haven't tried the big overhauls which are crash-free?


ERSO and ACE are good examples.

No scripts, everything is built with vanilla enchantments and perks.


Also, as said, BOSS is your friend, you should try it and if there is too much conflicts and you like the mods which cause it, try Wrye Bash.

It's fairly easy to use and I am amused by the things I can do with it.

(VRR + beast feet mods combined = Awesome)

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