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NPC Dragonborn


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I personally use the Alternate Start mod a lot. I like to roleplay as a non-dragon born character. What I'd like to see is an NPC dragon born that progresses through the main quests and you hear about the exploits as he goes. eg you wouldn't actually see him per se, but the dialouge you hear about the Dragonborn's main quest line would advance over time. (eg NPC's commenting over exploits they've heard about the dragonborn doing).


Maybe you could have a random encounter where you find him fighting a dragon. It just seems good for roleplaying.

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makes sense, yet impossible to implement as far as audio goes. We cannot simply make new guard dialogue, however some of the in-game dialogue might be general enough to do it. The event thing definitely. Might want to suggest this to the alternative start author in question.
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