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Nude mod


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You obviously have internet access, if you want to see porn. It makes no sense for ppl to be naked under their armor. So why?



Well, because some people want them, and mainly because they just can. Its their likes and interests, so let them have it.

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For some, I'm sure it is just a bit of a chuckle, for others it enhances realism and role-play.


In Oblivion we are used to some terrific mods which enhance both such as being able to see oneself sleep or, in this case, see a real body when changing, bathing, etc.


So as another said, just because it doesn't appeal to you, please don't make derogatory, assumptive comments towards those who might.


Live and let live.



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You obviously have internet access, if you want to see porn. It makes no sense for ppl to be naked under their armor. So why?



yeah and it makes total sence when there is a half-naked "raider" and when you strip her/his armor they suddenly have t-shirt and panties/boxers, that is realistic

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Along the lines of AwsetRae's comment above, I'd personally prefer both males and females to be topless when their armor is taken - ie. it is indeed unrelaistic and "jarring" to have for example a Raider who evidently has nothing on under their tunic/chest armour suddenly have a sweatshirt thing. And as a guy, nice shapely breasts on the women - but with panties still on - would be a nice visual pleasantry without being pornographic. And I'd guess girls / women playing the game would also find nice manly bare chests not to bad to see - whereas the full bundle would be a bit too much.
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IMO there are more pressing matters at hand, nude mods loose their "charm" very quickly and we seriously need to see more weapon models to replace plasma pistol, plasma rifle, lazer rifle... the list goes on, the reason i say this is coz during gameplay we spend hours looking and evaluating weapons and wat weapon we need for the given situation, most of the time the dead enemies i loot items off have their head or limbs missing so seeing a dead raider chick with perfect breasts on decapitated body isnt gona be a pleasant sight...


wat i'd like to see though is maybe female power armor and generally more armor...

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