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COC command freezes game


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The game works fine, console commands (that I've tried) work fine, but when I try to use the coc command, while the game accepts the command, I get the misty loading screen and the game freezes. No text or model like on a regular loading screen, just the mist on a black background. The COC location doesn't seem to matter. Vanilla or mod-added location, it always freezes. I have no problem entering these cells ingame.


I've tried waiting on the loading screen for about five minutes. Tried running the game without mods (but with SKSE and Script Dragon), same problem. Tried verifying the cache in steam, tried again with and without mods, not working.


And I'm pretty much out of ideas now. It's not a HUGE problem, but any help would be greatly appreciated, because I'm trying to get this mod to work.

Edited by charlottenoyen
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How about to play without cheats?


How about constructive advice?


OP, have you tried opening the console at the title screen and then using COC?Just as a test - if it works from there (I use it for testing all the time), the problem could be with your save.

Edited by acidzebra
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have you tried opening the console at the title screen and then using COC?Just as a test - if it works from there (I use it for testing all the time), the problem could be with your save.

I have tried some random locations, with and without mods, plus the "coc photobooth" command from that mod I linked to above, both from the menu and from a save. None of it works. The loading screen itself behaves normally, but it seems to get stuck there. Skyrim is listed as "not responding" in the task manager.


EDIT: I've considered doing a clean install, but this would mean downloading the game again on Steam. I'm in a country with bandwidth caps, and long story short, downloading the entire game again would push me over my download limit and cost me money I don't have. I will do so if it becomes necessary, but I'd rather try other possible solutions first.

Edited by charlottenoyen
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@charlottenoyen: you just saved me a lot of angst! +1


Just found that I could not COC anywhere, the game kept freezing. I was using a clean environment that I use for mod testing: new clean save, no mods except for the official DLC's, had not made any changes to the ini files, etc.

I uninstalled ScriptDragon and the problem is fixed.

I guess it must have broken after the last official update. Strange that I didn't notice this earlier.

Edited by steve40
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