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COC command freezes game


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I have recently encountered the same problem as you and I am still having this problem and I haven't the Dragon script or whatever it is called installed (IF I HAVE WHERE IS IT THEN), but I am like 99% I haven't downloaded it. I have tryed to verify cache and reinstalled my game and mods, without any luck.. Could you help me please? :)



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I have recently encountered the same problem as you and I am still having this problem and I haven't the Dragon script or whatever it is called installed (IF I HAVE WHERE IS IT THEN), but I am like 99% I haven't downloaded it. I have tried to verify cache and reinstalled my game and mods, without any luck.. Could you help me please? :smile:



Also having issues. only in Bleakfallsbarrow02 that i know so far, can port there but CTD's right after, tried it because when i go through the gate after the first puzzle with the lever, it would crash there

so someone please help with more possible solutions

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