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Real MTG fire spells


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For the pyromancer in me.


  1. Incinerate - Adept destruction 1 hand - Shoots a ball of flame that explodes turning the target to ash and sets the area around it ablaze burning everything and dealing 15 fire damage per second for 8 seconds. Like a slightly overpowered fireball. Downside is it cost 25% of your magika.
  2. Lava axe - Adept destruction 1 hand - Bound war axe that deals 200% more damage to targets that are on fire. Instead of purple bound weapon make it look like flames. Daedric quality. When equipped you become enraged and regenerate 10 stamina per second. Cost 50% of your magika
  3. CIrcle of flame - Adept destruction 2 hand - Creates a circle of fire. Magika regenerates 10 points per second while inside the circle. Enemies that enter the circle burn and take 15 damage per second for 8 seconds. Enemies within the circle become 50% weaker to fire. If you leave the circle during combat it will collapse and kill you.
  4. Flame wave - Adept destruction 2 hand - Engulfes enemies that are standing in your way with a growing wave of molten earth that turn all enemies to ash and consumes all your magika.
  5. Worldfire - Adept destruction 2 hand - Creates a powerful explosion that ignites all enemies in the current cell. Burns enemies for 15 damage per second. Reduces your max hp to 1 until you change cell. The burning affect wears off when you change cells. Give it the flame cloak visuals with a firey screen blur. You become detected by all nearby enemies when you cast this spell. Spell cost 75% of your magika.

These are all just ideas of course and i know nothing about how well some of these would actually work in game. Values for damage and stuff can be adjusted. I would like them to be balanced in terms of their damage and mana cost. Something that sticks with me from playing mtg for so long... I feel like flames should be overpowered but costly.


I decided the % mana cost would be more fitting and balanced.I don't plan on dabbling in alchemy or enchanting. Currently my destruction spells seem pretty weak with the shear volume of enemies i have in mey game. More treasures, artifacts, modified artifacts. Atleast double the enemies normally and more variety and bosses. I have it on novice and get my ass whooped. I want the monsters mod and the dungeons mod but i wouldn't stand a chance.


I am a planeswalker named Chandra Nalaar. During a battle with another planeswalker I was chaos warped and ended up in Skyrim. I am in search of powerful artifacts to further grow my flames. A demon that called himself Sherogoth told me of many powerful artifacts in Skyrim. The life on this plane is so basic and their knowledge of the arcane is laughable. Sherogoth tells me he is a God to that he takes delight in causing chaos. He tells me of the other Gods and that they all have powerful artifacts that I would find useful. He says that nothing would be more chaotic than setting me loose in skyrim. So he gave me a map and told me to come see him if i get bored. Something about a fishstick and turning me into a pile of septims. I don't know what he meant. Wabbajack?

Edited by DFAMCB1986
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