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BLOG PIECE: Nexus moderation system overhaul, etiquette and ethos


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A fluro pink sword you say. What may look stupid or funny when you first look at it, it is not so and let me explain why.

1. People have different tastes - maybe that's how he and others like it.

"De gustibus non disputandum".

2. Maybe he is an apprentice modder and for him painting that sword pink or what ever was a way to learn things. Can you make a pink sword?!

3. There are many kinds of modders some are masters in one or more domains like moddeling, texturing, programing, CS or CK and so on. Others know some of this, some of that, others try to learn new things and so on. Never judge just because it looks stupid or funny to you. Think if you can do that "stupid" thing.

4. All mods are here for free and most have a lot of work behind them, work that otherwise you would have to pay for. So always respect that!

5. If you don't like something move on. There are ways for mods to be recognised as being good, excellent and so on. There is no need for rude, unnecessary comments.

I agree entirely. But look. He's banned, yet again. He'll never learn much of anything, or come to any new conclusions via the contrast between himself and the opinions of others.

You might have heard the expression, "Other people are like mirrors." It holds true, its actually a major part of how humans come to grow. Banning your problems away is the same as isolating someone. They never have that opportunity to grow.


Honestly? Why wouldn't I? You've already admitted to messing up over and over again, and here you are claiming to be circumventing a ban... *again*. Rules are rules, and (unless you're simply baiting) you have no respect for them.

Your logic makes no coherent sense. He admitted to posting a joking comment on a mod, and being banned. That was the only mess up he had. You really think you can call coming back a mess up? You really think staying gone would have made it any more likely he'd be unbanned? Are you being serious right now, or is all of this one big joke? I really can't figure it out with you. Where does a circle begin?

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I really LIKE where you're going with this Dark0ne. I also appreciate the hassle and work of you and the whole moderation team putting up with some of the... uh... unique personalities on the Nexus sites. I really think you've hit on the perfect solution to rolling out these new tools and features. Any more restricted any they just wouldn't be used. Any less restricted and the forums would probably burn to the ground in the great flamewar of 2012.


I also would like to say its always interesting to read about the behind the scenes aspect of how the site works both on the technical and people side of things. (Which is probably true of most modders, we like to know how things work.) So thanks for the constant stream of information about the site. :)

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sometimes its hard to contact a moderator, when you have a question you just pick one out of a hat and hope they reply back


I would like to see a "ask a moderator" forum thread, or button, hell I dont know..someplace you can go and leave a personal question and its available to any moderator and they can read your question and reply back in a "pm"


I know you can do the same in the forums, but some questions you just want to ask a moderator and the response time in the forums is a crapshoot, you have to hope a moderator surfs by your thread and decides to check out your comment


I thought I'd try again now the smoke has cleared

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Most of the rules are logical and almost don't need to be read to be known. Not that I recommend against reading them or anything, you should always read the rules and follow as closely to the letter as possible, otherwise don't press the "I Agree" Button. Great blog post, the new sustem sounds great.


That being said, I do have a question: Are two people allowed to share one account? My girlfreind shares my computer with me and we play games together, but she doesn't have her own Nexus Account because of that. I download mods for her, to avoid an issue, but I'd like clarification on the rule. I'm not sure if the rule applies to two people sharing one account, two or more members sharing two or more accounts, or both?

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"Once again it falls into this category of not being able to please everyone and ultimately doing what I personally think is right for this network of sites. "


I think this is really the key issue here. Let's all remember that we're all visiting Dark0ne's site. S/he (sorry, I don't actually know) is able to run this site the way they want. This site is entirely at Dark0ne's discretion, and who visits it is too. Much like the rules of a Mod, if you don't like it, move on. Losing users who don't agree with the terms established by Dark0ne will neither make nor break this site.


Mark me down as another in favor of these changes.

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Most of the rules are logical and almost don't need to be read to be known. Not that I recommend against reading them or anything, you should always read the rules and follow as closely to the letter as possible, otherwise don't press the "I Agree" Button. Great blog post, the new sustem sounds great.


That being said, I do have a question: Are two people allowed to share one account? My girlfreind shares my computer with me and we play games together, but she doesn't have her own Nexus Account because of that. I download mods for her, to avoid an issue, but I'd like clarification on the rule. I'm not sure if the rule applies to two people sharing one account, two or more members sharing two or more accounts, or both?


Account sharing is not allowed at all - one account per person. I'd recommend her having her own account.

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@ Anotherthrowawayaccount

I don't want to get myself involved into a polemic because I see no point in doing so.

So with this quote I conclude:

"By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is the noblest; Second, by imitation, which is the easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest."



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