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BLOG PIECE: Nexus moderation system overhaul, etiquette and ethos


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People should learn to have more discipline and understand that their so called freedom ends where somebody else's begins.




Dunno why I read through all of that. Couriosity will not only kill the cat one day.


I'd like to see some people behave in real life like they do online. Walking up to a complete stranger, making fun of him and that's ok? I'm all for teasing people... if I know them well enough to know they will take it as a joke.

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@ Gift her lifetime premium account ;]


If I could spare any cash at all, I'd Premium in a heartbeat.


Account sharing is not allowed at all - one account per person. I'd recommend her having her own account.


Thank you for the clarification. She'll make her account once I'm finished building her her Christmas present ;)

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@ Anotherthrowawayaccount

I don't want to get myself involved into a polemic because I see no point in doing so.

So with this quote I conclude:

"By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is the noblest; Second, by imitation, which is the easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest."


There are no truths outside the individual, only different perspectives, each blossoming into its very own kind of flower. Some flowers bear thorns, some bear strange fruit, some look pretty but are really rancid on the inside. Every flower effects every person differently, but despite knowing that, simply accepting everything as is, serves no practical purpose for anyone. Depending on context.


I like the quote though, I've heard it before in the past, I'll have to commit it to memory. Appreciate that.

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Wow .. it's the first time I read thru something close to a policy, and I'd agree again. The only thing i'd like to suggest is about the rep system. Of course I understood why it was removed, something I figured out when it was still used. The only reason, in my opinion, to rep down someone would be if they broke a rule, or were totally a troll, and that's already fixed with this well built system, so there's no more need for it. But what about rep up? There's no more a way to show someone anonimously that we agree with and/or like their perhaps funny comment. You can make a "thumbs up" button, or something like that. No more hating, only liking. We already got over the elimination of the rep system, but we (or at least, I) still feel the lack of a way to show our appreciation for a comment. If any moderator ever reads this, thanks for your time :)
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Srsly? Someone didn't read 1984 & Math's handbook


(yes, I know; I'm feeding a troll)

You aren't feeding a troll, jump off the bandwagon for a moment. So what you mean to say, is that there are universally applying truths outside of individual's "reality" and perceptions?


I like to know how things tick. So I'd be curious for you to elaborate.

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"is that there are universally applying truths outside of individual's "reality" and perceptions? "

Exactly. Unless you are fiddling with word's meaning, there's plethora of them. Go ahead and get science. One rock and one rock give three rocks? Nope, definitely 2. (All cases involving number systems and imaginary numbers skipped).

Beside science, it's Faith & Philosophy stuff.

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Nov. 21, 2012: Glad to see this blog piece, it got me to finally read the entire ToS (after spending some time tracking it down... I think it's on the move;)) Anyway, l'm probably not the first to confess to breaking the rules unintentionally, but now I fully understand them I won't make that mistake again.


I also want to make it known that I support your efforts to make this site more enjoyable for all it's members (Dark0ne, etal). I think you're all are doing a terrific job - I trust your intentions. It's also nice to read you also make mistakes like the rest of us... makes me feel right at home. Thank you all for everything, I'm sure there are many that share the same sentiments. Good luck in all your future endeavours.


PS. I know it's hard making the tough decisions sometimes, there are real hard cases out there. But in my experience, a little humour, sincerity and humility makes it a lot more bearable.

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