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Navmesh for exterior cells?


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Good news about the bridge, btw.


I like the contrast between the bewilderment and big smile on her face when she finally gets to cross!


I had an awful problem with followers and bridges where the player had to work out some clues to find a safe path jumping over water that did massive damage. Once safely over they could pull a lever and enable some wooden bridges. The followers both jumped into the water, even though there was no navmesh in the water and the navmesh for the bridges used an L_Navcut collision that was removed when the bridges were enabled.


In the end I had to banish followers from the entire dungeon. The water was conditioned to only harm the player but it was really immersion breaking to see them happily swimming around in stuff that killed the player in under 10 seconds!


If I'd known this would happen, I'd have made the last part of the dungeon with the deadly puzzle in a separate cell and used a load door with 'DefaultNoFollowScript' on it, since that script seems reliable. I tried swapping the ordinary door into the place for a pair of load doors, but they just teleported through the flipping walls! Doh!


From your screenshots they'd die if they jumped, whereas in my case the drop itself wouldn't harm them. They could still teleport under some circumstances if the player can get across without lowering the bridge. The player coming under attack seems to trigger that behaviour.


Fingers crossed that you have no such issues.

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Never tried the poisoned gas trap.


I'll definitely look at it, though... sounds like a laugh!


I normally just use standard traps but make them so that they do a percentage of the player's health every second. To be nastier I make the effect last longer. If I'm feeling really nasty, I make it so that the damage ignores resistances.


Ha ha ha ha ha! So you think that your 80% resistance to magic will save you?... think again, my friend, before venturing blindly into my trap!


Poisoned gas sounds good.


It's yet another way to thoroughly demoralize the player.

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You can get some ideas for traps in the overhaul I did for Forgotten Dungeons: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/30950


I only started using the poison gas recently, so it is not present in version 0.5b. I dont know if it will work below water, but at least in the surface it will, since it is a cloud.

Edited by Wolfstorm
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