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Remove “click� grenade sound effect


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"Removes the 'click' sound when throwing any type of grenade, especially molotovs"


Especially molotovs? So it removes the sound more from molotovs than from others? Lol


Nevermind I'll see myself out.

LOL What I meant is that this edit is more geared towards molotovs and other throwing items that are not frag grenades.

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Gyashaa, is there a possibility this can be ported to Xbox?

Sorry, that is beyond my scope of modding knowledge. All I did for the mod was replace a simple sound file with an empty one. But porting it to xbox involves using the creation kit, converting the files into xbox files, uploading to bethesda.net (which I don't use), and other things. I tried to do it but but ran into problems trying to convert the files to xbox files and couldn't figure out what was wrong. Again, sorry but it's just too big a headache for such a simple mod.

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