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Mateba Unica 6, and other stuff


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Can somebody make mod wich adds this gun? Its quite unique autorevolver even in our reality, but imho this gun deserves some tribute. There are plenty of stuff about this revolver in internets, (including 3d models) but im terrible modder (read i cant do sh...t :P). So. Plz add this gun to game if its possible.


Second mod i was thinking of. Is it possible to make two weapons usable in the same time? Like pistol/revolver in left hand ('cuz of pip boy) and powerfist in right hand? Ye know, you shoot and when enemy is close to you you switch to meele and blow up his head :)


Think of it mighty modders :)


(rly sorry for my bad english)

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Matebas are fantastically rare.. and basically precision-made junk. Its a pistol with all the disadvantages of a revolver and all the disadvantages of a semiauto.

They'd be a tiny footnote and a collector's curiousity at best, except Japanese animators suddenly fell in love with it for no good reason. Of all the guns to get fascinated with, a freakin Mateba of all things..

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Matebas are fantastically rare.. and basically precision-made junk. Its a pistol with all the disadvantages of a revolver and all the disadvantages of a semiauto.

They'd be a tiny footnote and a collector's curiousity at best, except Japanese animators suddenly fell in love with it for no good reason. Of all the guns to get fascinated with, a freakin Mateba of all things..



What sort of disadvantages do revolvers have aside from limited ammunition capacity? They are more reliable, have fewer parts to foul up and go wrong, and they don't jam unless you've been VERY careless with its maintenance and the cylinder just won't turn or hammer won't move. Automatics really only have the one advantage over revolvers in that they have the ability for holding more bullets.

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Hey ppl, this topic is about to mod adding this gun to game, not about god or bad gun right? Mateba is rare gun cuz it has more compicated structure than normal revolver, and its very expensive. This gun is far better than revolver cuz has much less recoil (thx to automatic-like reload) so its more accurate with heavy type of ammunition than standard revolver. This gun is "you need to take care of" type. So in game it should degrade faster than other weapons, but having in mind it has many simple parts, there should be repair procedure changed (i.e. repair from great amount of scrap metal)


I rly know about many guns much more than you think, but this is not forum to discuss this.


Thx for replies.

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And one thing else. Ingame this gun should use .357 ammo. From what i know this is the most popular set, so this kind of weapon had chance to survive atomic hell.


Second thing is that Mateba has changeble barrels, you can use 2,4,6 inch types. My favourite is 4 inch (gun looks the best with this lenght of barrel).

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  • 3 years later...
Are you guys just gonna discuss or get someone working on a gun like this. I would really like to see this gun in-game and I agree with .357 bullets, I don't care if the gun is unrealistically good but at least better than the 10mm pistol and 9mm pistol.
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