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well, now that this thread has been moved to off topic I cannot really say something that is on topic and regarded the orginial "BIG NEWS" about the beta rather than the new "big news" about goat assaulting and lama blowing. Think of the animals, and the "little ears" on these forums, they are gonna have terrible terrible nightmares.


Anyway I just thought that I would remind you all that when you love exotic farm animals time speeds up, it is already June 3rd and suz told us mid june. so, plz continue to love exotic farm animals so that I can get my beta 1!!

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As the great and all-mighty leader of the Bunneh Legions...

Not anymore, pal.


"Dark0ne's Pink Bunny Mascot?"


"Naughty Boy?"



Are you actually even trying to suggest the puny empire of this (sorry Dark0ne, making a point :D ) small-time emperor has any effect whatsoever on the Great Empire that is that of the Bunnehs? :angry2:


We are everywhere - and our Empire is greater than you could imagine. In the name of teh Bunnae, blessed be it in its Pinkness, the Bunneh Legions, both in their Pinkness as well as the Black Legions, in their Blackness, rule an empire completely unrelated to this small thing. :!:


A simple title change, or indeed, a major title change for that matter - or any change at all here - won't affect my status as the Bunneh Overlord, the High Priest of the Priesthood of teh Bunnae! :shifty:


Long live teh Bunnae!!! High Priest Albareth out ~

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