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WIP Thread - Deathcrag Citadel


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  ub3rman123 said:
Is it possible to create an NPC with the skeleton of a creature?


what you could do is create a new non playable race called skelotons and use the meshes and textures from the skelotons in oblivion or create your own meshes or textures. :blush:

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Well, I looked at 'races' clicked 'new', and then it asked me for all the textures to put in. I looked at that, then realized I forgot to use the BSA commander on the critter I wanted the skeleton of.

Thanks for the reference to Mr_Siika's seige weapons! I wouldn't have found those myself. Much appreciated.


This mod is going to take up a load of file space, since I seem to have accumulated a large number of modder's resources. I probably should try to use a few less, but vanilla Oblivion's tilesets seem too.. Plain. But only after trekking through a thousand identical-looking Ayleid ruins.

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Okay, a bit of An opinion poll here: WHen I was looking at other castle mods, I got so sick of having to carry a torch to see 12 feet in front of me. So, my idea for this castle is for me to place a 'light switch'-like button at the beginning of each room. If you press it, then the permanant light setting comes on (color the whole cell one way). I know it'd be a tad unrealistic to have no obvious source of light, but there always is magic to explain away that little thing. Also, I know I shouldn't use solid white light, so it'd be colored like the bright light option in the CS, but maybe a medium gray-ish color. Who thinks this is a good/bad/horrible idea?
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Just run into a serious problem:

When I try to open the CS with Deathcrag as active file, when it's done loading, it gives me this seriously long line of odd error messages, then when I click 'Yes to All", it gives me a "... has encountered an error and needs to close. HAH! Moron! We're closing this 'cuz we feel like it! We are sorry for the inconvenience."

I really hate that message. :wallbash:


Anyone know how to fix this? The mod still works in Oblivion, but I can't finish it without the CS.


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It gave me a long list of messages. The one I clicked through said mostly either ____ script has not been compiled (No idea what that means) or Duplicate ID Form (Somethign like that)



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Okay, I'm going to click through as many of the warnings as possible. I'll give the general type they are.


"Duplicate form ID encountered in file ______."

SetFormID bashing entry in form ID map at 0300B08C. Form basher: type BOOK_ID

Bashed form: Book Form 'DLCBattlehornChronicleDUPLICATE000Duplicate000' (0300B08C)


Another SetFormID bashing entry thingy, something with Knights of the Nine...

Another DUplicate FormID.

Another script bashing thing. (WHat is this 'bashing?')

Missing object (_____) for reference (_____)

Another SetFormID Bashing entry in for ID map at ___ thing.

Duplicate form ID.

Bashing thing again.

Duplicate form ID.

Missing obj. for ref.

6 of those missing objs in a row.

'Could not fnd target reference (______) on quest (020167167EF) 'aaDremComp'.

Some stuff involving the 'Dremora Companion' mod, no idea where that's coming from.

Unable to find Quest Refernce (_______) on Topic "Attack".

See above, but topic "GOODBYE".

Another, but topic "GREETING".

Topic "HELLO" this time.

Topic "Hit".

Topic "Question", "INFOGENERAL"


'Errors were encountered during InitItem for result script on TopicInfo 020c7D17 "Enough Talk!" in Quest aaSTKear (020bf3db) Topic aaVeryWell (0207db1e)

Clothing 'aaAmozRing' needs to have biped slots selected in the editor.

Unable to find container object (03002D0C) on owner object 'DeathcragSharpshooter'. (THat's one of my archers... Odd)

Buncha 'Could not find referenced object' for a ton of the Dremora Companion stuff.


I'll post again in a moment, after all that stuff it now gave me the 'We are sorry for the inconvenience' message. I'll see what happens if I try to open Deathcrag WITH Dremora companion checked off.



Oh, and the file's busy uploading itself to the site.. Don't know if it's working.


Crap! the CS just gave me more errors about 'Reznod's Mannequins' and closed itself. (&%#(%.

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