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Mod request to add some new towns and dungeons/caves to, as well as ex


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Is there anyone out there willing to tackle on adding towns, castles, interiors, NPCs, creatures/enemies, caves/dungeons/ruins, and extending the roads to connect them together in Onra's Tamriel Landscapes Summerset isles mod?


Coordinances with missing towns (despite town being named on the player map when using the TWMP Tamriel World map via Dynamic Maps) are as follows!

(These following 4 locations already have the road available)

-92, -81

-100, -66

-92, -60

-99, -55


(These following long list of coordinences without a town (big or small settlement type of town) may or may not have a road connecting them!)

-109, -50

-122, -60 (Old Run)

-113, -72 (Shimmerance)

-103, -85 (Silverwood)

-107, -100 (Dusk)

-122, -97 (Sunhold) < Sounds like a place where a castle could be located at, too!

-128, -93

-137, -88 (Marnor Keep)

-143, -73 (River Watch)

-125, -72

-134, -68

-138, -63 (Ebon Steadmont)

-153, -64

-139, -40 (Graddon Spring)

-158, -66 (Sea Keep)

-159, -59

-140, -48 (Dead Town)


And a location that looks like an ayelid ruin one could explore the interior of, but has it's door inactive, possibly due to there being a lack of an interior dungeon!

-117, -81


Note that I didn't add the name of the locations to all the coordinances and will add them via post edit when I get the location names that the coordinance takes place in!


So if anyone is willing to take on such an endeaver to add onto Onra's Tamriel Landscapes Summerset Isles mod, that would be really great!

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