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Increasing to ugrids 7 causes freeze/crash


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I am running 7 ugrids well with only a 9800 GT 512MB EVGA card, However, I have made concessions elsewhere, with my prefs,ini settings (like less grass, less leaf animation, etc) and I do not run mods like SkyMo or others that spawn a bunch. Plus none of my settings are on ultra (they vary from "none" to high, depending) and I do not use any ENB mods. Also, I have an i7 processor.


So, I would say it is not just a specs issue, but that its a choice of what you want and what you are willing to do without. I think the problem occurs when people try to get their game the way they think they should be able to, instead of tinkering around to see what they actually can get. An old post that has good ideas for both low and high end comps is RookieNoob'stweaks guide. And of course, the Nvidia Tweak guide does a good job of explaining how various changes affect performance, even though some is a bit outdated.

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