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Vampire Lord Raise Dead Spells On the CK


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This may sound stupid but I'm having hard time modding the raise dead spell. What i'm actually trying to do is to give the dead thrall effect with some levels restriction on the different stages of raise dead. IF i did all correctly the files in which i'm interested should be DLC1VampireRaiseDeadLeftHand01-05. I edited those files, made the esp and tried it in game to see the outcome; morale of the story? I have several problems: as soon i transform into vampire lord, it seems that i can use the edited spell (with some glitched effect which i can't explain why does that happen anyway) but when i check the favorites menu, the spell doesn't result to be equipped, and when i swap spell for example with the vampire grip and equip back raise dead it's effect are those of the vanilla version. Now I can think only of 2 things: or i'm editing the wrong files, or it is fault of the Categorized Favorites Menu for skyrim mod. Can someone help me with my problem? or giving me advices/hints to solve it (and I apologize for this wall of text too)
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