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Traits mod


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I'm looking for a mod that lets you add individual traits to characters to make each play-through more unique -- for example, your character was a sailor so they can stay underwater for longer periods of time, but they have arachnophobia and do less damage to spiders and chaurus. There are some for Oldrim but they haven't been updated in ages and I don't want to break my game.


Here are some examples of what I'm talking about:





If a mod like this already exists for SE I couldn't find it.

Anyway, thanks.

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The author of the second mod - Daggerfall Traits for Skyrim - wrote in the permissions: Feel free to create any patches for this mod or link to it or modify it as you see fit, but credit would be nice. If I understand correctly, as you see fit includes porting to SSE. The archive contains only .esp and Papyrus scripts, so, I think, it could be ported to SSE only with CK.

Edited by shumkar
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The author of the second mod - Daggerfall Traits for Skyrim - wrote in the permissions: Feel free to create any patches for this mod or link to it or modify it as you see fit, but credit would be nice. If I understand correctly, as you see fit includes porting to SSE. The archive contains only .esp and Papyrus scripts, so, I think, it could be ported to SSE only with CK.

That does help, and I'm willing to use that, so thanks :laugh: The original request still stands though since I think it is something worth updating and refining.


EDIT: oracus0 included a port of Daggerfall traits in the optional files section of his Skygerfall mod


Edited by MangaBottle
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