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moving weapon pieces

Marcus Aseth

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Hi guys,today I was doing a sword just for fun with the idea to import it into Skyrim,but I totally don't have any idea how to do the moving parts like the strings you see in the overpaint below,so my question is,what I need to do/learn in order to have those strings moving at the wind or just moving when the blade is used (in a realistic way obviously)??Is something about vertex painting,or animation is involved (though I want it to be like a physic realtime simulation) ?


Help! :)



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You might try to reverse engineer this mod:


...i've downloaded it once, you have to register or google for OnePoseAndAnimatedYamato.7z - back then i found an alternate dl without registration.


If i remember right he attached the mesh of the strings to bones within the .nif, NifSkope is your friend.

Edited by ghosu
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lol,as for now I don't even know how how to open this files,so more thing to learn,but attaching the string to bones means that the string are animated right? so not a realtime simulation?

so the next question is: if that is the only way to do this,there is a way to animate differently the string movement for each type of attack? This because when the sword slashes left to right,the strings can't be in te same position of a slash up to down.

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