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RESET naked npcs - upscale npc / deinstall


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ugh - i tried the upscale npc mod by Saiodin -


the npcs look great the faces are nice, some of the clothes are nice - BUT some of the npcs show up with no bodies at all and just are floating set of feet, hands and heads, SO I deinstalled the mod


but now I have a bunch of naked NPCS!!!




how do I redress them all in a good sweep of a console command?



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I de-installed the package - as my default body type is unp bbp - the skins the author uses for that package are unp which is a skeleton that is geometrically defined differently than unp bbp.. I reinstalled some unp bbp compatible based textures and that took care of most of the problems. Just make sure the textures match your default skeleton. Still have a couple of nakeds running around :) send a note to the author - he is a nice guy and will be willing to work with you



Edited by jasmerd
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