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Fear and Racism across Tamriel - how to host TES roleplay


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This is slightly off-topic for the Nexus in general but I'm sure that there are modders and mod-users who are interested in this. Ever wanted to actually roleplay in an Elder Scroll setting outside of a forum? I did, so I took matters into my own hands and started a campaign set in 4E 171 about a year ago and now I've started a blog to share my experiences, the challenges and my solutions as well as interpretations of lore, the plot in general, the player's characters and my own NPCs. It's my goal that it will inspire more people to do the same!


So if you're a roleplayer or loremonger, be sure to pop in for a good read:

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Thanks Shadiva, it is a project that is now close to me own heart as well as the players. Just the other week one of them confessed that at work she had been writing in-character journal entries as her character from her childhood!
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A bit of constructive criticism. No offense but you dont really say anything about what you're actually talking about or get anywhere.


The first post is just a fun introduction post written in a semi-in-character-perspective of myself as a daedric prince, if you don't get all the hints you might just not be as drowned in the TES lore as myself. The second post is about the general premiss of the campaign and the group and also that post written in the daedra-perspective. The third post is a very general introduction to the plot overall, what setting I chose and why.


So do you care clarify why you consider it "not really saying anything" and any tips on how it can be altered?


And as far as progress goes, you are only three posts into the blog. The fourth post will describe the first adventure and things in more detail and soon enough there'll be presentations both about the player's character as well as my own NPCs and how I play them in Skyrim.

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A bit of constructive criticism. No offense but you dont really say anything about what you're actually talking about or get anywhere.


The first post is just a fun introduction post written in a semi-in-character-perspective of myself as a daedric prince, if you don't get all the hints you might just not be as drowned in the TES lore as myself. The second post is about the general premiss of the campaign and the group and also that post written in the daedra-perspective. The third post is a very general introduction to the plot overall, what setting I chose and why.


So do you care clarify why you consider it "not really saying anything" and any tips on how it can be altered?


And as far as progress goes, you are only three posts into the blog. The fourth post will describe the first adventure and things in more detail and soon enough there'll be presentations both about the player's character as well as my own NPCs and how I play them in Skyrim.

... Nah, I'm quite sure I know more of the lore than you do. You dont even really talk too much about any lore. And no, you just dont get anywhere nor do you really say anything about what you are doing. With headings like: Ever wanted to actually roleplay in an Elder Scroll setting outside of a forum? Where? When? and So what's this all about? I would have figured you would have answered these questions.


Again, no offense, but if you want people to follow it and red it, you should get to the point faster.

Edited by xXGalenXx
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And no, you just dont get anywhere nor do you really say anything about what you are doing. With headings like: Ever wanted to actually roleplay in an Elder Scroll setting outside of a forum? Where? When? and So what's this all about? I would have figured you would have answered these questions.


Again, no offense, but if you want people to follow it and red it, you should get to the point faster.


How would you suggest I type down what I'm doing?

So far it's mentioned in the blog header and the first post as well as touched upon in the second post both via my original plans for the Elder Scrolls universe and where I go into which RPG system I've chosen to use.

I guess this ties back to what it all is about, there is a description of it in the blog header and is touched upon deeply in the first post and mentioned in the second. Again, how do you suggest I clarify this?


As for the other questions I must actually say they are answered pretty straight forward in the third post:

Where - campaign not bound to one place on Tamriel but starts out in Elsweyr and we will likely avoid or at least postpone RP set in Skyrim.

When - 4E Year 171, not sure I can be much more specific about it than that, well perhaps mention that it was during late summer or early fall but it was a detail I was saving for the fourth post.

Why is it you feel these questions have not been properly answered? Or rather, what are your questions?


And when it comes to progress I can only stress the fact that the blog is merely a week old. The reason you might find it "slow" is because it is detailed and that in turn is because I want to be thorough in sharing my choices, what I ended up sticking with and what I tossed away -AND WHY- I made those choices. For example there is another layer to why I picked Bravil as the starting point for the main plot but it would seem out of place if added into the third post, but I assure you it will come in either the fourth or fifth addition depending on how long they'll end up being.

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And no, you just dont get anywhere nor do you really say anything about what you are doing. With headings like: Ever wanted to actually roleplay in an Elder Scroll setting outside of a forum? Where? When? and So what's this all about? I would have figured you would have answered these questions.


Again, no offense, but if you want people to follow it and red it, you should get to the point faster.


How would you suggest I type down what I'm doing?

So far it's mentioned in the blog header and the first post as well as touched upon in the second post both via my original plans for the Elder Scrolls universe and where I go into which RPG system I've chosen to use.

I guess this ties back to what it all is about, there is a description of it in the blog header and is touched upon deeply in the first post and mentioned in the second. Again, how do you suggest I clarify this?


As for the other questions I must actually say they are answered pretty straight forward in the third post:

Where - campaign not bound to one place on Tamriel but starts out in Elsweyr and we will likely avoid or at least postpone RP set in Skyrim.

When - 4E Year 171, not sure I can be much more specific about it than that, well perhaps mention that it was during late summer or early fall but it was a detail I was saving for the fourth post.

Why is it you feel these questions have not been properly answered? Or rather, what are your questions?


And when it comes to progress I can only stress the fact that the blog is merely a week old. The reason you might find it "slow" is because it is detailed and that in turn is because I want to be thorough in sharing my choices, what I ended up sticking with and what I tossed away -AND WHY- I made those choices. For example there is another layer to why I picked Bravil as the starting point for the main plot but it would seem out of place if added into the third post, but I assure you it will come in either the fourth or fifth addition depending on how long they'll end up being.

First I'd explain exactly what you mean about RPing outside of a forum, or the games. LARP? Pen and Paper? Just stories written together, etc. Then I'd explain how you play what you and your friends are playing. Rules, details, full backstory etc. An intro is fine, but I read through three posts and I just didnt get what exactly you were talking about game wise. You should get to it faster, save in game character stuff for later, or not at all in the intro and set up of what you're playing. It seemed like an unfiltered stream of ideas and concepts that hadn't been fully realized IMO.

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