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Fear and Racism across Tamriel - how to host TES roleplay


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Pay no mind to the now banished Galen (otherwise known as the slug-worm Enatiomorph). He's never had anything good to say about... well... anything. I seem to think he is only comfortable with strictly laid out, bullted rules and a spreadsheet... Even Masters of Orion 3 would have too much gameplay for his tastes.


But i digress, i think its actually an interesting format you've taken, one which mixes objective reality with the subjectivism of the game world. The intent is pretty clear to me, at least,though i am somewhat prone to flowery writing and obtuse prose.


I have book marked your blog for future reading, keep it up.

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  • 7 months later...

Wow, I certainly get no treats for my activity...

I just wanna bring about an update about this project because despite the lack of text on the blog, it hasn't been dropped. When I first started this back in fall I had started writing my bachelor paper and thought I would get some spare time both for actual roleplaying and tending to the blog although I misjudged the situation. My chosen subject proved a lot more trickier than expected and spring that followed was comprised of almost only placements for about fifteen weeks. My motivation has been tested and oscillated due to troubles finding suitable dates for sessions with my player, mainly because half of us graduated this summer and people are moving and starting to work and all that. All in all, it has been hard to keep things going but I assure that it is not forgotten.

This week I have been home with stomach flu so I've had some spare time to write down new stuff, work on brand new character sheets and the thought hit me that I can finish another blog post, or a few... who knows? I just wanted to do a shout-out to the forum(s) that at least one new post can be expected sometime tonight or tomorrow and that I should be able to update the blog even more up to the end of August. What happens past that date is a worry for another time.


Lastly, I wanna finish this post with an open question to all of you who reads this; is there anything you want me to cover in a post? Has some question come up when reading through the first three posts or are you really excited for me to read how I plan (if at all) to involve a famous faction or even character into the story? Any feedback or questions are greedily embraced!


EDIT: I'm not sure how, maybe that extra energy drink I had, but I finished and published the fourth post, make sure to check it out!


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I'm on some sort of roll here and I have no plans to stop now that my potbelly is in motion (picture Wailmer with a doodle of hair rolling down a slope). This sunday I managed to publish the first part about the first two sessions of the campaign. And today I released the second part. All in all I think the initial events of the campaign which set the story will be covered in six parts total and I will release the third post at the end of this week, so make sure to keep an eye out for it. Please, feel free to bring me any feedback, good or bad as long as it is constructive but also feel free to ask me questions!

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  • 1 month later...

Shameless advertisement for the blog! (I fear that there will be a few of these every now and then, I know no other way to spread info about it...)
Three more posts are out since last time, some with questions aimed at you readers so feel free to interact with us on the blog. So far the story still continues to cover the first few sessions of the campaign before I dive into posts about the creative process. The last part of Flies to Honey is up as well as first and second post out of an unknown number under the name In the Spider's Web. The third part should be released early next week. Also, I have tried adding pictures to some posts to spice things up, what do you think about it, Yay or Nay?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Now it was a while since I made some noise in this place. Let's stop with that stupidity! Despite my lack of posts the blog is still very active, posted a new post just yesterday. And after some soul-searching and recommendations by friends, I have now expanded my own presence on the interwebz. Joined a few sites (which I have no idea how they really work!) and some communities, created some pages and what not. All to advertise, update and share my creative work, not only the TES RPG project. Here's a list of where you can find me and what can be found on the various sites:

  • The Blog - This is still my main project right now and will continue being about my TES RPG and the creative process of running it.
  • Google+ - More or less the hub of Bearded Bovel (me). This place is connected to all the other places.
  • Facebook - Traditional page about me and my work. This will also feature updates about other projects such as my upcoming LARP and even WoW RP.
  • Twitter - Get the latest updates about what I do and where, not so much content as updates I guess.
  • Tumblr. - Here I'll upload and/or link pictures and images that other have made that I like, am inspired by or apply to my projects. My little cavern of inspirational tidbits.
  • deviantART - I will feature my pure stories here, both ones tied to the blog and the TES project but also from other RPG's I've been a part of or have/am running/planning.
  • YouTube - Getting ahead of myself a little bit here, but in the future I hope to do a roleplay-oriented Let's Play of at least one TES-game. Similar to that of Jingles1215. But until then the channel will be a place for me to have my playlists of great sourcematerial, inspirational clips and even music for roleplaying sessions.


So if you enjoy the blog or roleplay or Elder Scrolls, take a look at what I offer and support me if you like what you see, ok-bye?

Edited by Bovel
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