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Does a follower AI mod exist?


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Hello everyone. I've been playing Skyrim again recently and I've been in search of a particular mod regarding follower AI. I've always been OK with vanilla followers but hate the fact that they can never keep up. Just running around at normal speed, not sprinting they will be leagues behind. I don't use fast travel often so I find myself stumbling into fights and it will be over before my companion can engage. Sometimes my follower will just stop moving. I'll turn around to check how far back they are and he/she will be standing still, then the AI will catch up and they'll start moving again. I tried searching for a mod that does this but it's a hard thing to search without getting a multitude of other results. I have checked out Ultimate Follower Overhaul but it made no mention of AI tweaks, just more features. If anyone knows of a mod that could help me out, I'd appreciate being set straight.



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Maybe I'm misunderstanding your concern, but it doesn't sound as if you need a mod to change follower AI as much as you want a mod that will increase their base speed.


I'm not aware of any mods that do only this, but you might want to look for follower mods that mention increased follower speed. It's also a fairly simple change to make in the CK... just change the actor's speed from 100 to 115 (or whatever value you prefer... I've found that 110-115 allows my followers to generally keep up with me).

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Not sure of any follwer AI mods other than the ones previously mentioned, but there is a mod that allows you to Summon your followers to you. I can't remember the name, but there is a link to it on the Airship Dev Aveza page here on the Skyrim Nexus
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