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Obscuri race help


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Hello i'm new to the forums and the modding scene i have tried various solutions found on the comments for the mod but nothing seems to work.

Whenver i go to character creation screen i can't get the Obscuri race to appear, only the vanilla races are there ( i hope that's the term for the default races)


II have tried installing and uninstalling both manually and with the NMM i have the optional files for danwguard race compatibility and better vampires as

others have suggested however the race simply won't appear. i have the new beginning mod installed however even if i go through the long intro without the new beginning mod it still won't make the Obscuri race option appear.


It's a shame since both visually and gameplay wise the race appears to be hell of a fun, if anyone can help i'd greatly appreciate it.

i apologize in beforehand for my grammar and my english >.<

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Is your Skyrim up to date?


yeah as far as i know i think it's ver 1.8 i think last update that came with dawnguard



checked the exe file it's version 1.7.7


second edit:

so turns out having steam on offline doesnt set the last update which i needed 1.8 >-< noob mistake thanks for the help anyhow solved =D

Edited by Firescorpio
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  • 4 months later...

Again problems with this mod....


I instal normaly this mod with dawnguard patch... open game with skse_loader, create character normaly without any problem.

Later when i close game i got idea to change sth on face... and troubles begin...

From yesterday cant open more game with skse_loader.exe ( i use this bcs Precache Killer )...

from today canot open normaly game, yesterday can :(


And i have update game :P

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