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In the category "Did I just do that...?"


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So I was merrily shouting away on a cliff near the town of Winterhold east of the bridge, testing my new Thunderbolt shouts far away from civilisation where I definitely wouldn't hit someone's prize chicken and spark a bitter vendetta of blood and tears. While taking notes, I went through the shouts one by one.


Meanwhile, while I was concentrating on the visual and aural effects looking for glitches, a guard crept up on me from behind and suddenly laid a hand on my shoulder and spun me around to order me to turn it down because the noise scared the neighbours. I was in the process of charging up a shout, and a millisecond after he turned me around, it went off point blank in his face. It was Fiik Zii Gron, a harmful Curse. As the guard tumbled end over end, I facepalmed and remembered I hadn't actually saved the game since before I spent 10 minutes hacking up all the shouts, buffs and items I needed...




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