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gonna try this again...


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so. i have 2 stupid skeletons that keep following me. they are called skeleton guardians. the attack my companion all the time. i dont know where they came from...maybe a mod...dunno. ive beat the game many many times and never came accros them before...so i think it must be a mod or something. i really want to get rid of them. if i attack them they run away for a while. but they always come back. they just appear there. HELP!!!
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You could open the console and then click on one of them. The first two digits of their refID will correspond to the mod that added them. Those digits are in hexadecimal format. Either find the mod using the hexadecimal number in your Wrye Bash load list or use Hex to Decimal Converter to find it in your load order in OBMM (if yours is like mine, OBMM doesn't properly report all the load order numbers because I mostly install manually).


For example I have a little homegrown mod on my machine that adds some sheep in Aleswell. One of those sheep has the refID 3f01ea9c. When I enter 3f into the converter it tells me that my mod is the 63rd one in my load order.

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No problem ... that's why I also mentioned OBMM (Oblivion Mod Manager). Using it you can just count down from the top of the list after you've used the hexadecimal to decimal converter. Even if your count doesn't get you on exactly the right mod, the one you're looking for will be only one or two above or below in the list. You should be able to figure it out a lot easier anyway.


I take it that these skeletons are either marked essential (unkillable) or they respawn. As a last resort you could disable them using the console. Just open the console (hit the tilde (~) key), click on one of them (which gets their reference ID shown at the top of the screen) and then type 'disable' (without the quote marks) and hit Enter. Close the console (hit tilde again) and that one should be gone. Repeat the same for the other.

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First of all, Skeleton Guardians are vanilla creatures, and is, as every other creature, leveled. It is possible the modder used them in the mod, however. UESP :thumbsup:


Can you give more info? What is the place they chase you? Why do they run away or what happens more than that they run? Why can't you kill them - or can you?

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o. so you cant kill them...well you can but they respawn right away. they dont chase. they jus follow everywhere. if i hit them they will turn and run but then they might run by me again. they sometimes take off and sometimes they run in circles. and if make them flee like that they dont attack anything. but let me try the first thing. ill let you know. thanks!
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ok. a few mods later.... i had to install obse and couple of console spells. the tide key doesnt work on my laptop to open the console. had to change an ini file value to take screen shots. but here you go. i used the hex to decimal tool and dissabled the 87, 86, and 88th mods. but they are still there. ? cant get the screenshot to load. :/ it says... 56012185
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While the vanilla game does have Skeleton Guardians the refID from your screen shot says these are from a mod. You've disabled the mods from 86th to 88th on your list but what about 85, 84 and 83 (in case your list is off in the other direction). The most reliable way to figure out which mod is number 56hex is with Wrye Bash (it lists all your mods with their hexadecimal load order number). Oblivion Mod Manager is the next best way to get your load order that I know of (Nexus Mod Manager probably can do it as well but I've never seen the utility). You definitely can't use the vanilla game launcher 'Data Files' ... that's just an alphabetical list.


If you can't figure out which mod using the refID then you're stuck with disabling half your mods and seeing if that solves it. If they are still there then the mod will be in your other half. Keep disabling big chunks until you don't see them any more. Then re-enable those last mods you disabled one at a time until they're back. For testing keep going back to the save that has them right with you. Another way of doing it is working through your mods one at a time starting with ones you suspect or have no way of knowing what they add to the game.


Keep taking notes on what you've tried ... troubleshooting can be tedious enough without going back over the same ground time and again because you can't remember if you've already tried something.

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so... i had to deactivate one half then the other. what a pain! i found it though. it was an OMOD called Necromacer Faction. so I deleted it now the game crashes at start up.:/ it did load right after I deactivated a big chunk of mods though...thats how i know it was the one. the skeletons were gone..i just randomly picked the right one....way strange...anyways now it crashes everytime. i think that i created conflicts of some sort when i reactived some of the mods.. oh... sorry. i am using OBMM. half of my mods are manualy instaled .esp and the others are OMOD. i didnt have any loading issues till i started sing OBMM though...the mods in question are OMOD. like 7 of them. youve been more than helpfull so far Striker and i wanted to thank you.
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I empathize ... unresolved issues bug the heck out of me too. It's a shame we had to resort to that old tried and true but rather crude method of finding 'Necromancer Faction'.


A reverse of the disabling trick will help find the culprit for what's not letting your game start. Rather than re-enable all your mods except Necro Faction, do it in small chunks, testing for problems in between. When re-enabling them pay attention to little details like mod dependencies (master files required by a mod). If you look in the vanilla game launcher 'Data Files' you'll see the masters required by a mod when you highlight it in the list. Most often it will only say 'Oblivion.esm'. Some mods have more than one master required though. For example CM Partners.esp lists Oblivion.esm and CM Partners.esm as masters. If you re-enabled CM Partners.esp without re-enabling CM Partners.esm the game would crash at start-up.


Work your way through your mods a bit at a time and you'll have a short list of candidates when and if you start crashing. If you crash right off the start make sure you can get the game going with no mods installed first.


I myself manually install almost all my mods. I used OBMM to install a select few back when I was first getting started modding (HGEC and CM Partners are the only two still using omods). With the exception of those two I don't use OBMM to disable/re-enable mods, I use the vanilla Data Files from the launcher. I also almost always uninstall a mod when I'm troubleshooting (generally by moving the files and folders to a temporary backup until I decide to send the mod to cyberheaven).


I know ... I like doing things the hard complicated way (and I can see Hickory and Nephenee13 rolling their eyes ... I'm still a Wrye Bash hold-out myself).

Edited by Striker879
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