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gonna try this again...


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ok. i deactivated all of my OMODs. game loads fine. i know that my .esm files are good cause the game worked fine before i used OBMM. anyways. i have COBL and i think when i activate it it needs bash for some of it and crashes on start up. i have like....70 OMODs so this is gonna take a minute. activate one....load the game...if it loads...close it and activate the next...so on and so forth... :/ what advantages does bash have over or with OBMM if i may ask? Thank you so much for taking the time to help a dude out. Edited by dopro720
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so i figured it out. it was my COBL settings that made it crash. i was activating some parts of COBL that require bash and dont have it

. thats the crash on startup explained. and yeah... another issue. my game crashes on exit! ill just do the same with my .esp's im guessing that will fix that also.

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The biggest advantage that Wrye Bash and it's BAIN installer have over OBMM could be called 'intelligence'. By that I mean that BAIN will remember what files were replaced by a mod after you install it. So if you install mod A and it includes a cuirass and textures for example, and then you install mod B that changes that same cuirass but uses the textures from mod A and then install mod C that changes the texture, you could uninstall any of the three and BAIN will figure out which files to pull out of it's 'overwrite backup' and keep your game humming. Sort of like what you'd need to do if manually installing and uninstalling, without all the keeping notes for yourself or head scratching when you're trying to figure things out. OBMM on the other hand would leave your game messed up if you used it to uninstall unless you used it to uninstall all three and then re-install the two you wanted.


Other advantages offered by WB would depend on the type of mods you typically install. If it's houses and clothes/armor and you're not into any of the big overhauls (Better Cities, OOO, MMM etc.) then you may be like me, able to get along just fine without it. If you do use some of those overhauls (that typically can create a lot of conflicts with other mods) then WB offers the 'bashed patch'. In a nutshell what a bashed patch does is takes those conflicts, resolves them, disables the conflicting parts in the conflicting mods and puts it's solution to the conflicts in the bashed patch (which is just an esp with all the changes WB has come up with). There are mods that won't work together at all without a bashed patch. Another WB advantage is it's ability to allow you to exceed the 255 mod limit imposed in the game. It does this by identifying mods that can be merged together and then 'ghosts' those esps so they don't count towards the 255 total.


There are a number of other things WB can do (use faces from old saves, fix vampire faces etc.). It's described as the Swiss Army Knife for Oblivion (and now Skyrim as well). The price tag is complexity. Many of the old roadblocks to new users have been addressed (install complexity was a big one) but it's still a powerful tool that takes some learning (Wrye Bash Pictorial Guide). Though I've been a holdout against using it for a couple of years my own mod list is getting closer to requiring WB (probably my next character ... but I said that about my last guy).


- Edit - Crashes on exit are also a 'feature' of the game, especially once you start installing and uninstalling mods. Good saving practices can help (it's reduced my crashes on exit drastically). Never use quicksave, it's a known corrupter of save files. Use either the save from the Esc menu, never overwriting a save, or use the save available from the console ('save <yoursavename>', without the quote marks or brackets).

Edited by Striker879
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and... not only does the game work now...i fixed a nmber of mod issues by using OBMM so i didnt overwrite aything that i didnt mean to. and i must say....the game looks great! i have Skyrim also but it studders and lags too much for my liking. oblivion runs faster than my xbox on my laptop. i wish i could get skyrim to run better also...but thats probably a different forum. Thank you so very much for your insight and time.
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