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Romantic Female Followers Suggestions


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Depends what you mean by romantic.

Amorous Adventures: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70495/ adds romance quests to many of skyrim's followers (and many non-followers too, though that's not what you asked)

It also lets you do... uh... other stuff with them if you want once you complete the quests...


Thanks for the reply. I meant something like Vilja saying "I love you" and calling the character "sweetheart" etc.

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Relationship Dialogue Overhaul https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/74568 has a neat feature which lets you set npcs to "lover" status, and another option which allows any NPC with lover status to use lover voice lines with the player, even if they're not married, effectively allowing pretty much any NPC to talk to the player like a lover. This feature is more of a side feature, and not the main purpose of the mod which is more about opening up follower dialogue in general. I would recommend the base features of the mod anyway, but I'm pretty sure that you can disable most of the features in MCM and just use the one I talked about previously.

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Depends what you mean by romantic.

Amorous Adventures: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70495/ adds romance quests to many of skyrim's followers (and many non-followers too, though that's not what you asked)

It also lets you do... uh... other stuff with them if you want once you complete the quests...


Thanks for the reply. I meant something like Vilja saying "I love you" and calling the character "sweetheart" etc.



Thanks for the suggestions.

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