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Having Followers increases Carry Capacity


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I play with multiple followers, normally a minimum of 3 (Lucien, Inigo and Auri) and as such we're more of a small party or group together. However I've never liked having to manually use follows as my spare storage space.

Instead I was wondering if it was possible to, either as a flat number (say +50 per follower) or adding the leftover carrying capacity Followers aren't using to bolster the players own carry weight. Think of it as we're all carrying the burden, but that burden is placed in one inventory, rather than multiple.

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Amazing Followers allows a 1000 # carrying weight per follower and equips them with a backpack for more storage. This accomplishes most of what you are looking for besides it is not in one inventory. The mod has some other nice perks for use with followers as well. Great mod, hope it helps you.

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There's a mod called "expedition necklace" that will add 9000lbs carry load to the player. If you're interested just search nexus Skyrim SE mods for it.


In addition, on a per play basis, you can use console command: player.setav carryweight N


or permanently: player.modav carryweight N


where N is the number of lbs of carry capacity you want your player to have.


Sure, it's cheating, but then so is throwing imaginary fireballs at imaginary dragons or launching ice spikes or wielding a sword twice as a long as the player is tall or most of what we do in this game...

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