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a little guidence


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I'm having a bit of an issue and I can't seem to figure out how to fix it. I've a few mods installed and they all work rather well together. But after playing for a little while or going through a loading screen, something messes up. For instance random parts of the game(sometimes grassy areas, sometimes snow, sometimes doors and even armor) will gain a bluepurple mesh. However saving, then exiting to desktop and restarting fixes this issue, for a little. But that gets annoying. If anyone can give me some suggestions.





the mesh, though not a good pic.



after closing the client and getting back on.



my mod list. Also I use TPC with most optional mods. I'll make a list of what I use if need be.




I'm almost positive it's my load order, but I could be wrong. Any ideas and or help?

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It most likely you are right about your load order.

I've noticed that it is not organised in the standard way. For example, Unofficial Skyrim Patch should be loaded before Static Mesh Improvement Mod and there are three different versions of ERSO mod. Do you use BOSS to keep your load order organised? It can give you a report if something wrong with your mods.


I would also try to reinstall Static Mesh Improvement Mod. There is an advice on the mod's page: "If using the Unofficial Skyrim Patch (recommended!), install it first! Then let SMIM overwrite all files. This way you ensure you always get all of SMIM's changes."


And activated Bashed Patch is also very useful.

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BOSS only shows "dirty edits" and bashtag suggestions. Neither of which I know how to fix.


SMIM I actually have running through TPC but I'll modify the loader again and see if that proves any different.


I actually only have one version of ERSO. The mighty dragons, but when I added the mod it gave me options to add modded version of dragon priest and I thought I might find it enjoyable as well. And the middle ERSO is the compatibility patch for deadly/diversified dragons.


edit; perhaps a suggestion on how my loadorder should look?

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edit; perhaps a suggestion on how my loadorder should look?


Yea, to run the Boss :)

It will organize the load order for you. The load order on your pic just does not look like it has been managed by the BOSS. I do not use SkyRe but it looks a bit strange that SkyRe_Main.esp is in the middle of its optional files. And what does the BOSS say about keeping different versions of ERSO? Is it OK?


But my guess is that your glitch has something to do with SMIM and USP. I would try to reinstall SMIM again and would place it after USP.

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