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Script: Enemy turn into Werewolf and regain all health @ 10% health.


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The title pretty much says it. I'm trying to implement a script on a boss fight that would cause him to stop fighting, turn into a werewolf and regain all his lost health. This is what I scripted but I'm new to scripting in Skyrim. It compiled but i'm guessing I just didn't put in in the right spot.

Scriptname ShinoGloryTF extends Actor  

{int lives = 1

GetAVPercentage (health) 

If health < 10 && lives ==1
	lives = lives --
	then DoCombatSpellApply(WerewolfChange, ShinoSINEnvyGlory) native
	SetAVPercentage (health , 100)


Any help is greatly appreciated!

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That is true and I will address it now that you've said something, but I haven't had that problem yet: he just dies a normal death and does nothing. Also, 10% health for this boss is around 400 health so it can happen but it's not likely.


RIght now it's just in the scripts for the character and I tried making an AI package but it still doesnt work.

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Now I have this and can not get it to compile.

Scriptname ShinoGloryTF extends Actor  

int lives = 1

Event OnDying (actor akKiller)

       If lives == 1
	lives = 0
            ShinoSINEnvyGlory.DoCombatSpellApply(WerewolfChange, ShinoSINEnvyGlory) native
            ShinoSINEnvyGlory.SetActorValue (health , 2700)


Also, i'm retrying using modified code from Konahrik's Mask.

Edited by Shinokage
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The following script compiles, but I don't know if it will work. I assume you have a working werewolf spell. Don't forget to assign the spell property in the CK.



Scriptname ShinoGloryTF extends Actor  

Spell Property WerewolfChange auto
{assign this property in the CK to your werewolf change spell}

int lives = 1

Event OnInit()
GetActorBase().SetEssential(true)			; initially I will be essential so that I won't die
Event OnHit(ObjectReference akAggressor, Form akSource, Projectile akProjectile, bool abPowerAttack, bool abSneakAttack, bool abBashAttack, bool abHitBlocked)
If lives == 1 && GetAVPercentage("Health") <= 0.1	; check if my health is less than 10%
	lives = 0
	GetActorBase().SetInvulnerable(true)		; make me temporarily invulnerable while I transform
	WerewolfChange.Cast(self, self)			; cast the change spell on myself
	Utility.Wait(3)					; allow a few seconds for the change
	SetAV("Health", GetBaseAV("Health"))		; restore my full base health
	GetActorBase().SetInvulnerable(false)		; make me vulnerable again
	GetActorBase().SetEssential(false)		; now make me killable


Edited by steve40
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Therein lies the problem: through quite a bit more scripting and trial and error, i've come to find that the Werewolf Transformation is handled almost exclusively by the script attached to the spell so, no, I don't have a working Werewolf TF spell which creates an entirely new problem.


Thank you though for your help, now if you can figure out how to make a working Werewolf TF spell... then I could move forward. I haven't had luck myself.

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Therein lies the problem: through quite a bit more scripting and trial and error, i've come to find that the Werewolf Transformation is handled almost exclusively by the script attached to the spell so, no, I don't have a working Werewolf TF spell which creates an entirely new problem.


Thank you though for your help, now if you can figure out how to make a working Werewolf TF spell... then I could move forward. I haven't had luck myself.


You don't need to create a new spell, just use the existing one as a property. That is, near the top of your script that extends the actor, you'd have


Spell Property WerewolfChange auto


Then simply assign that in the Properties window to the spell "WerewolfChange".

Edited by DreamKingMods
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You don't need to create a new spell, just use the existing one as a property. That is, near the top of your script that extends the actor, you'd have


Spell Property WerewolfChange auto


Then simply assign that in the Properties window to the spell "WerewolfChange".


I've tried that. It hasn't worked. It handles it through a script attached to the spell which attempts to see if the player has started the quest for lycanthropy. I haven't had the chance to use steve40's script yet as i'm @ work but i'll give it a shot later.

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