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AFT: Can't hire follower,current follower can't leave me alone


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Whenever I want to hire another follower,they always say yes,and the upper left of my screen shows a message,something like :AFT warning: Tweak....[Follower's name] missing parameter (mod conflict?)

And I currently have three followers,two mercenaries and a dog,since they can't leave me the heck alone (When I do,it must be another freaking upper left error message saying the familiar thing they say when i try to hire someone...AFT:warning: TweakDismiss[Follower's name] missing parameter (mod conflict?)←I didn't type this,it's literally how the message ends in the game...),I just leave them dismiss and hang out there (AFT users u know what I mean),don't know if this matters so I post it out anyway





Temptress (Custom Race)

Apachii Hair and Crazy hair (Hair compilation)

PC Exclusive Animation Path (And bunch of other PCEA files,PCEA users that up to date u know what I mean)

Imaginator (in-game Visual Control tool)

Interesting NPC

Amazing Follower Tweaks

Some armor compilation

Dragon Souls to Perks

Moonpath (Custom Quests)

Realistic Lighting

Show Race Menu Alternative (Cast-based race menu)

Unofficial Skyrim & Dawnguard Patch

Better Vampires

Cat Movement (Sneak animation)

Elvenwood (Add-on village mod)


If u know any possible way to fix this please let me know!

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Have any of you reset your follower count to "0"?

That will release all followers that you had in every past game even thought you've dismissed them the count doesn't reset itself.

Just get the followers you want to keep somewhere they can't run off. Open the console with instruction below.


Key beside #1 key opens console.




set PlayerFollowerCount to 0


Press enter key and then exit console.


Good luck because I don't know what would be the solution otherwise.

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